Chapter 8

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To gel...or not to gel...that is the question.

The question that John has been going over for the past 10 minutes while he got ready for his first day at Wellston. The final touch to his appearance, besides his blazer.

His dad had given him some gel products while he had been packing, something about looking dapper for a private school or whatever, as if his appearance would really matter.

But, it's a new place and a new start he supposed, so maybe he should take the opportunity to try something new out.

He thought of having it the way his dad does but...hmmm...

Nah, he can't pull that off. He doesn't even have enough here for that anyway. 

"Fuck it, let's just see where it takes me."


"That...isn't too bad."

He finished the final touches, having done a slicked style with a very moderate amount of gel. He found that he really liked the look. After giving it time to dry up, he put on his blazer and tightened his tie, looking into the mirror with a smile.

Blyke leaned on the wall beside his dorm's door, till he heard the sound of footsteps coming to him. He looked up at John and did so for a prolonged amount of time.

"Is there something wrong?" John asked, confused.

"You're like...the first guy in this entire school I've seen wear the complete uniform." Blyke noted. He'd forgone the vest himself.

John looked down at his outfit in surprise. "For real?" 

He shrugged. "For real. So, you ready?"

John gave a nod, slinging one of his backpack's straps over his shoulder. They shared homeroom, so they figured to just head over together, Blyke could help guide him. 

Lingering eyes were on the two as they made their way, whispers among a couple of other students as well. It continued even as they entered their English class. 

Of course they would. Someone new who's become friendly with one of the most powerful students is sure to catch people's attention. John figured, doing his best to pay them no mind. 

The roommates stood near the entrance for a moment. 

"Well look at that, he actually made it to first period." Blyke muttered to himself. 

Isen glanced and saw him, sending a wink at Blyke, who gave him a middle finger with a smile. 

John's eyes only meant to glance over to where Blyke was looking but found himself keeping his gaze there, looking at a girl with long purple hair tied in a ponytail with bangs. 

She was looking out the window with absolute disinterest. It was like there was a disconnect between her and the rest of the world.

It seemed he had looked over there for too long, as the girl's eyes met his eventually and they narrowed, appearing annoyed at his unintentional staring. He snapped his eyes away to stare somewhere else.

"Nice going." Blyke tapped John's arm with his fist. "For your safety, don't get on Seraphina's bad side."

Seraphina... Ah, so she's the Queen. That makes sense.

John shrugged. "I'll try."

Noticing her new student, The teacher stood from her desk and motioned for John to stand at the front beside her.

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