Chapter 5

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[September 2015]

Wellston Private High School.

The most prestigious school in the entire region, if you're able to graduate from this school, you're likely to have a bright future ahead of you. 

It's where the best of the best attend and often holds the highest concentration of High-Tiers. In recent years, they've held the title of being undefeated in Turf Wars.

Currently, they also hold the strongest student in the entire region in their school body...

"Seraphina, good work on the test!" The teacher spoke, handing the results back to the magenta-haired girl. "You're always able to do a perfect job. Class, you should follow her example!"

The other students groaned in various ways.

"Come on teach, she's on a different level compared to us!"

"Everything's way easier for her!"

"We can't all be born perfect..."

Seraphina gripped her paper just a bit tighter. She nodded before going back to her seat, almost mindlessly running through her notes again.

Idiots. Good grades and strength don't just come from nowhere. She wrote down practice problems with a hidden fury. They don't realize how much it takes to reach so far.

She sighed. But they don't need to, that's the role of the weak, they're allowed to be clumsy. They're allowed to make mistakes.


But I can't, I have my role.


I have to be perfect.


"What?" She muttered, facing the person who was talking to her with a glare. A girl with long aqua-blue hair and green eyes. 

Elaine. Her roommate and Turf Wars healer.

"Uhm..." Elaine had a hard time speaking, seeing someone as strong as Seraphina becoming angered was always a bad sign. "A-Arlo said there was going to be a rank fight for the Jack title, he wanted to talk to you about it." She explained.

Seraphina sighed, cursing at herself for not keeping her emotions under control. "Where is he?"

"O-On the rooftop is what he texted me."

The ringing of the bell signaled the end of class.

Seraphina gathered her supplies, placing them in her bag as she left the room.

No matter where she goes, the whispers and mutterings follow her. But nothing could be done about it, it was simply the way it was meant to be.

She opened the door to the rooftop, and sure enough, there he was. The tall, blonde, third year stood by the fence looking down at the various students from it. 

He turned back to look at Seraphina, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Ah, good to see my message was received. I'm sure Elaine gave you some of the details?"

"A rank fight." Seraphina stated. She walked closer, standing to the side of Arlo, doing as he did. "Who's it between?"

"Cecile has been challenged by Remi for the position of Jack."

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