Chapter 6

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[November 2015]

"John!" William shouted, kicking the door open to his son's room. "Wake your angsty ass up!"

"Aghfumafucker!" John muttered, having been ripped away from a good sleep. "What the hell,'s too early for this shit." He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's literally 2:30 in the afternoon."

"My point exactly. ...Wait how do even know what angst means?"

William grew a dark look. 

The truth is I fell into a rabbit hole on Urban Dictionary after searching up what a masochist was...

He waved away his son's question. "T-That's not the focus right now! Look at what came in!" He shoved a white envelope into his son's face.

"Okay, okay!" After rubbing the crust from his eyes, he got a good look at the envelope. 

Every fiber in his body shot awake once he saw a red mark with a W on the letter.

"Wellston!" John shouted in realization.

"Wellston!" William cheered.

"...I gotta take a shower!" John shot from his bed to his closet, finding whatever nice-looking clothes he could.

"Dafuk—Why a shower?!"

"I gotta look nice for this!"

"For a letter?!"

"One of the most important letters of my life!" John retorted, walking out the door to the bathroom.

"If you aren't out in 10 minutes, I'm opening it myself!" William called out to his son, leaning out of the room.

"You better not!"

John speedran his shower, finishing it in 8 minutes, and quickly drying off before changing. He walked into his room finding his father holding the letter in his hands, ready to rip the top off.

"I was this close."

"Getyourhandsoffmyletter!" John snatched it out of his dad's hands.

Excitement and anxiety mixed together as he stared at the letter, his heart beginning to beat faster by the moment.

William placed a firm hand on his shoulder, helping to calm him down. "Don't overthink it, I'm sure you got accepted."

John chuckled. "I better have, else I want a refund for all the hours I studied." He joked.

"I don't think that's possible."

"I'll find a way."

Pushing one last breath out, John tore open the top of the letter, then slowly pulled out the folded paper from within. He read over every single word, making sure to not skip over anything. He didn't say a word until he reached the last few sentences of the paper.

"Wellston Private High School..." John's eyes lit up like stars. "Is proud to have you attend our curriculum!"

"You got in!" William couldn't contain his happiness. He offered a high-five to John.

"I got in!" John completed it happily.

"So, what else does it say?" He asks after letting go.

"Uhmmm." John read through the last bit of it. "A flight to the Wellston area has been scheduled for you on Sunday at 3. You'll head to the campus to have a meeting with the headmaster for your enrollment interview. Afterward, your residence will be situated and you'll begin classes starting the Monday after." 

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