Chapter 21

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[Mid-December 2015]

Quite the battle took place in Wellston's East Courtyard, last Thursday. An out-in-the-open brawl involving seven—that's right, seven!—students. Even more shocking, It was six students going against one!  We can't say for sure what brought upon the need to enact such an overkill idea, only what the aftermath shows.

Framed in the newspaper was a picture of John's fight against the Mid-Tiers, angled above to capture all six left defeated, with him standing over one. The picture was of good quality, but far enough away where only features such as hair could allow someone to pick out who was who if they wanted to bother.

First, it was the confrontation with our undefeated Queen in the Cafeteria two weeks ago, and now this, though It's ended in our new transfer student's favor this time around. Between these two fights, the question—Just how strong could he be?—is sure to be going through the minds of some. However, currently, there are no details on his level or ability, nor does he seem interested in telling them, so we shall be left to speculate in the meantime.

Some could consider this new student to be nothing but a troublemaker...or, perhaps, he wishes to put an end to certain troubles? After the battle had concluded, he had something to say to the spectators of the incident.

"I'm sure plenty of you are aware of what these guys were doing. Well, while I'm here, that shit ain't gonna fly! If any of you are doing the same kinda shit, I will find out and I will find you."

Quite the declaration, indeed. What could he mean by this? Does he plan on enacting changes in the school? 

Arlo's walk came to a stop as he reached that part in the top story of this week's Wellston's Weekly, accomplished again by none other than Isen. After looking at it for another second, he threw it away in the nearby recycling bin and continued.

Having been busy making sure his studies were taken care of in preparation for all the end-of-semester essays and testing, word of what occurred between John and those other students hadn't reached his ear until today with the paper, along with some whispers here and there from gossiping students.

By letting himself be associated with Low-Tiers, alongside his loss against Seraphina from back then, other students have been more willing to try and challenge him; He hasn't established himself with proper authority. Instead, he wastes time putting himself in the business of those below him for no reason. 

Isen was especially right in one thing in the article, there's still little to go off of when it comes to his level, and neither is there a concrete answer on what his ability even is. 

He has the same look in his eye that only those who've been at the top have, yet if he was willing to fight against Seraphina, why hasn't he come for my title?  Did losing to Seraphina make him scared? 

Unlikely. There wasn't a shred of it in his eyes when I confronted him.  

Is there something to his ability that would make it a bad matchup against mine compared to Seraphina's? If he does know about it, does he simply not have enough power to break through my defense?

Regardless of why the anomaly that was John hadn't yet challenged him for his title as King, he moved on to ponder over why he hadn't taken a spot in the hierarchy at all

Arlo found it distasteful for someone of at least recognizable strength to act so half-heartedly. Whatever he's trying to do, taking an official spot in the hierarchy would surely make things easier. Why not take up a rank among the top 10? He was Blyke's roommate if he remembered correctly, that alone proves he could achieve a spot. Or perhaps take Remi's spot as Jack?

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