Chapter 7

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Blyke repeatedly tapped his pencil against his desk as he worked through solving the algebraic problem he was on. 

Wait, so if 29 = x, then how is y supposed to come from an even number? Wait, we do need these answers to be whole numbers, right? Fuck, the Smash Bros all-nighter was a bad idea after all. I completely slept through homeroom. 

I blame Isen for all my bad decisions.

His earbuds weren't on a high volume, so he was able to overhear the knock at his dorm door, room 311.

Speak of the devil. Blyke stood and stretched out, currently wearing a black tank top and shorts, then headed to the door. That's probably him right now. I'm gonna kill him if he tries to bring me along for another pen shopping spree...where he only buys one fucking set. He could at least take us somewhere to eat afterward.

"Alright, what do you want this time as—". Blyke stopped his sentence short, realizing the two in front of him were not, in fact, Isen.

It was Keene and a boy that Blyke's never seen before, dressed in a polo and khakis, with messy black hair. The boy gave Blyke a small wave.

"Blyke, how's it been?" Keene asked cheerfully.

"Fine, I guess." Blyke then snaps a finger, remembering a tidbit he was told some days ago. "So, this guy must be my new roommate then?"

"Yup, looks like it! Can we come in?" Keene asked.

"Yeah, sure." Blyke moved back, allowing Keene and the boy in.

"Go on, introduce yourself." Keene instructed the boy.

He offered a handshake. "I'm John, I just transferred here and I'll be your roommate from now on, I guess. Hope we get along." 

"Uh, sure." Blyke accepted. "Yeah, let's be chill."

"Alright! Off to a great start already!" Keene said, upbeat. "You can handle things from here?" He asked John. Once John confirmed, he headed out, wishing the two boys a good day. 

It was rather awkward between the two, not sure how to proceed from here.

"I guess I'll show you your room." Blyke walked to the hallway and John followed after. "A bit of a late transfer, yeah?" He commented.

"Y-Yeah, there was a lot of stuff going on in my life so it took a bit for me to attend."

Blyke shrugged, it wasn't much of his business anyway. "Well, welcome, I guess. If you were assigned with me as a roommate, you must be around my level, what's yours?" Blyke asked, not thinking much about it.

It was silent from behind Blyke, confusing him. 

"Actually, I don't have an ability." The sentence that broke it.

Blyke came to an abrupt stop, turning back to face his new roommate. "You're saying you're a...?"

"A cripple, yeah." John confirmed with a look in his eyes that Blyke didn't notice. Anticipation?

That's...weird. Why put him with me in that case? Do they want me to...protect him or something?

" Sorry to hear that." It was a bit stiff, but he offered his condolences. "Best to keep your head down and mind your business then. But, if someone causes you trouble...I guess just tell me and I'll stop them." If he's my roommate, I guess I have an obligation. 

At Blyke's response, John smiled, even laughing a little. "I appreciate that. But you won't have to worry about me." The next time John opened his eyes, they glowed for a moment before stopping. "I'm not actually a cripple."

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