Chapter 10

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"Hear thee, hear thee! I come bringing wondrous news." The ace reporter of the school press spoke as he approached John and Blyke, who were talking near John's locker.

"What are you going on about now?" Blyke said.

"Tsk, tsk. I would've kept my mouth shut if it was anyone else." Isen hung his arm around Blyke's shoulder. "But I'll let it slide since it's you." He then nodded his head at John. "And I guess you can know too since you're his roommate."

"Thanks?" John replied, confused.

Isen dropped his voice, ensuring it didn't go beyond a whisper. "From what I've heard, they'll be serving the Triple Chocolate Cake for Lunch today!"

Blyke and John's eyes lit up hearing the news.

"You serious? Hell yeah! Where do you always get this info from?" Blyke asked.

"We ain't gotta talk about it."

Choco...Chocolate Cake?! Chocolate Cake! John's tastebuds salivated at the thought.

"I know, I know, I'm amazing. No need for your thanks. Better hurry though, I'm sure there's going to be a mad dash right about..."

The bell rang, signaling lunch. Sure enough, it appeared everyone had quickened their walking pace just a bit, in hopes of it being there, even if they had no confirmation.


Blyke looked at John, then at Isen. 

Isen looked at Blyke, then John. 

John looked at Isen, then Blyke.

"First come first serve!" Blyke and Isen shouted almost in unison as they ran, activating their abilities.

Isen's ability gave him, among other things, increased physicality, making him faster. While Blyke was using bursts of energy beams to propel himself toward his destination.

"You sons of— That's cheating!" John shouted. 

Before they got too far out of his range, John read Blyke and Isen's aura. He had no chance of making it there before them if he didn't use his ability. 

And goddamn it if that Triple Chocolate Cake wasn't worth it, nothing was!

But neither of their abilities focused on Speed—Blyke's focus was on Power while Isen had an even split between Power and Defense—so regular amplification wouldn't give him the capability to outspeed them.

He smiled, it was a good thing he could do more than just that now.


Blyke grumbled. With other people in the way, it was a pain trying to propel himself toward the cafeteria's location, allowing Isen to have gotten just a bit ahead, the slippery bastard.

His curiosity led him to look back, wondering where John had gotten. 

He wouldn't have to wonder for much longer, as he found him dashing past him in moments.


Wait a minute!

John weaved his way through the other students at a speed that was hard to register for them, even from Blyke himself, and interestingly, a trail of black and orange energy was left behind in his action.

So he has an ability similar to mine? Something to do with energy? He's definitely faster from the looks of it.

Isen caught onto what was going on behind him, seeing John was catching up quickly. Actually, he had caught up to him almost instantaneously.

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