Chapter 14

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John stretched out, breathing a sigh of relief as he could finally stop writing for a moment. "Alright, first act done. Let's take a break."

Seraphina looked up from her papers, rolling her eyes. "Not yet, we've barely started."

"Oh come on, we've been at this for like an hour!"

Seraphina narrowed her eyes. "It's barely been half of that."

"...You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Seraphina huffed, before bringing a hand forward. "If you say you're done then let me check the work."

John stopped for a moment, then reluctantly passed his papers over to the girl. "Here you go, teach."

Seraphina felt...a smirk on her face. "No amount of money would be enough to ever be your tutor."

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call this?" John retorted, gesturing between them.

"...A charity case, I've taken severe pity on you."

"Woooow, I feel so grateful. I'll be forever in your debt, your majesty." 

Sarcasm and an eye-roll, a classic John Doe combo.

"Don't ever forget it." Seraphina remarked, scanning through the summary that...what the hell even is this?

"That look in your eyes isn't very reassuring." John said.

"It shouldn't be." Seraphina dropped the paper, before taking a pen and making plenty of marks on the white sheet.

"What the he—You're defiling my work!" John loudly whispered, leaning forward to the table to try and save his paper, though it was in vain.

"Your "work" is a travesty. Most of the major events are...fine, I guess, but so many minor details are completely butchered on here. How are you this bad?"

John grumbled, looking away as Seraphina went on about what needed to be corrected. Am I really that shitty at this? Even with the notes Blyke gave me?  

Then, to John's surprise, between the shelves of the books in the area of the library that John was looking at, came forth Evie, carrying a couple of binders and notebooks in her arms. The girl appeared to have a solemn look on her face but it was wiped away as she noticed John, a smile replacing her previously disheartened expression.  

"John!" She called out, heading over to him. "Good morning! What are you here for?" She asked, cheery as she usually was, though rather oblivious to something.

"Morning, Evie. I'm, uh, working on a project." He said, before pointing over to the girl across from him. "She's my partner." 

That's when Evie turned to offer greetings but her heart almost stopped, seeing who it was. 

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. It's Seraphina! SERAPHINA!

...Oh my god, I ignore Seraphina. 

How could I gloss over Wellston's Goddess?!?!

What's wrong with me?!?!?!

"G-Good morning to you too, Seraphina!" She exclaimed, bowing at a rapid pace that only left John and Seraphina to share a look of bemusement. 

She had hoped John could explain the reason for it, but he just shrugged, not knowing why either.

"Good morning..." Seraphina simply replied, almost as a question. This was a new face, she didn't remember seeing this girl around before. 

"Uh...I...Sorry for interrupting you guys, I'll leave you two alone." Evie mumbled, the strain of embarrassment shading her face, before she went to turn around.

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