Chapter 12

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"But it has a really good story!"

"I'm sure it does, but I also know it's absolutely horrific. The introduction you showed me still has me waking up in a cold sweat!"

"The beginning isn't even that bad..." Evie brushed off Roland's experience, before looking at him with excitement, "It's nothing compared to episode six where he gets surrounded by—"

"Nope! Uh-uh! I'm not hearing it!" Roland waved his arms around before covering his ears. "Leave me alone with your horror talk!"

Evie couldn't help but giggle at getting Roland riled up, his reactions were so funny.

Meanwhile, John smiled to himself, his day getting brighter as he got more familiar with the two low tiers.

"I guess appearances really are deceiving, never coulda guessed you were a horror fanatic."

"Well, you know it's get to be a part of it without actually being a part of it, you know?" Evie offered, only confusing Roland.

"You've lost me more than you already have, what does that even mean?"

"Ah geez, I'm really bad at speaking my thoughts."

"I think I get it. You...get to feel the excitement and adrenaline rush of the horror being presented, while also knowing that you have that safety net of not actually being in any danger?"

Evie nodded along intensely to John's explanation. "Exactly! And if it ever does get too intense, you could always stop and remove yourself from the experience!" 

Something that can't be said for the horrors of merely trying to walk to class.

"Ehhh, I don't know about that. It always looks like shadows start to move after I see anything scary, it can be hard to separate." John shook off a shiver. "Gets me and my nerves all paranoid and shit." 

It made him remember his first sleepover with Adrion when the boy's mother had accidentally forgotten to return some movies on her way to work, leaving them at home, vulnerable to the grubby hands of the middle-school children who'd believe they had moved on from kiddy stuff and were ready for something a bit more Gorey.

...Yeah, they didn't get any sleep that night. They decided to stick with Spongebob from then on.

"Yeah, same here. I'll definitely leave my lamp on for some light if I think shadow demons or some shit are gonna come after me in my sleep." Roland admitted.

"Oh yeah, I can't stand those guys."

"I've never had that problem before." Evie said.

"I'm sure you haven't, I bet you're friends with them!" Roland responded, getting another set of giggles from Evie, that ended up with him laughing as well, and even had John doing the same. 

"If it's as good as you say it is, send me the link for it and I'll check it out." John said, tapping Evie on the shoulder. Even if he doesn't enjoy the horror, he appreciates the ones with an interesting story.

"Really?! Okay, sure!" Evie nodded happily.

"You're a brave one, hope you can handle it." Roland offered a salute.

John chuckled, shaking his head. "Probably won't, might need some comforting afterward." He joked.

"..." Evie whispered something that couldn't be heard well.

"Huh? You say something, Evie?"

The girl jumped, having not expected John to even know she had whispered,  feeling a growing embarrassment. "It's nothing! Nope! Nothing at all!" A sudden speed took over Evie as she dashed toward the girls' dorms.

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