Chapter 17

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Remi liked having her dorm room to herself, but sometimes she wished she had a roommate. Maybe then she wouldn't be currently sprinting towards her next class, having already slept through her first two and late for her next one. I can feel that bell about to ring any minute. Come on legs! Push me forward!

"That fight at the courtyard was insane! Those guys got destroyed!"

"Seriously! I wonder what they did to make that guy so mad...?"

"Mad enough to knock them all out apparently."

Remi came to an abrupt stop, overhearing a discussion two girls passing by were having. What did they say? "Hey!"

Remi's shout startled the two girls, and they turned back to see that the Jack of Wellston was making her way to them.

"R-Remi! G-Good morning!" The girl with green hair in two buns said, hoping they weren't in any trouble.

"We weren't in the way, were we?" Her friend with orange hair and blue eyes asked with a bit of franticness.

Remi raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What? No, not at all. The fight you guys were talking about, which courtyard was it at?"

The girls looked relieved they hadn't done anything to anger the girl.

"The one nearby, East Courtyard I think?" The green-haired girl said, with her friend confirming it.

Remi looked in that direction, before turning back and giving the girls a smile. "Thank you! Have a good day!" She said, giving the girls a wave as she ran.

"Y-Yeah, you too." The girls replied back, waving back at her weakly.

"Juni." The girl with orange hair said, getting her friend's attention. "Remi is so pretty...!" She said with a dusting of red on her face.

Juni sighed, Oh Leora...

Remi was taken aback by the sight that was before her. There were three unconscious students when she arrived: One was slumped against the wall, a crater in the wall behind him, no doubt having been caused by him getting launched into it, and the other two were laid out on the floor, splotches of blood underneath them.

Why would someone do this? She wondered to herself in concern, then looked around her, seeing how other passing students just ignored the sight. Is no one going to help them?

She stepped toward them, and her attention turned to the nearby exit door opening.

Tanner came through the door panting, feeling a bit exhausted. Heavy ass motherfuckers...

"Are you taking them to the infirmary?"

Tanner lifted up his head, ready to send a glare to whoever was talking to him, but that quickly vanished as he saw who he aimed it at.

"Remi?!" Shit shit shit, what's the Jack doing here?!

Tanner straightened himself, trying to keep cool. "Y-Yeah, I am. I got it taken care of so...don't worry about us!" He said, walking over to collect Wenqi.

He lifted her up and wrapped her arm around his shoulder for leverage. He turned back but was shocked to see Remi carrying both Krolik and Gavin over her shoulders, her ability activated.

"I'll help you bring them there, it's no problem!" She said with a smile.

Once Tanner stopped being stunned, he just nodded and accepted the help. "O-Okay."

"So...where are we supposed to put them?" Remi asked, seeing as the two infirmary beds were already being taken by Rouker and Illena. She stood there awkwardly, Tanner beside her the same way.

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