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the proposition

NOBODY CARES ABOUT the scores, only the capitol civilians

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NOBODY CARES ABOUT the scores, only the capitol civilians. No, there are more pressing matters at hand. Rohan had informed Thana that every district would go up 5 minutes after the female tribute came up from the training room. And tonight, there would be a bigger meeting, a risk of course, but Thana knew it was one they had to take. Through little things, she knew she would be joined by Johanna, something that made the girl smile.

Latif and herself were excused from the tiny meeting on the roof, seeing as Rohan briefed them yesterday on the plans. Thana still remembers the way Latif's eyes widened at the thought of them getting out together, it still makes her smile. There is still hope.

So, like everybody else in the building, Thana sits before the television waiting for Caesar to announce the scores. Secretly, she is very curious about them. Yes, most of them would've actually preformed, but she knows those two from 12 definitely wouldn't have.

"As you know, the tributes were rated on a scale of one to twelce," Caesar starts, gaining the attention of many people throughout Panem. "After three days of careful evaluation, the game makers would like to acknowledge that it was very hard this year."

The floor of district 9 gets silent, the chatter falling away as Caesar clears his throat and starts to call out names with their given score. Thana smiles softly as she hears Finnick got a 11 and Johanna a 10. They did great and they are indeed as much of a threat as 'the careers'. They are lethal with their weapon of choice, something proven in their own games.

"District 9, Latif Jardin," Caesar pauses for a few seconds, making Thana think about his score 2 years ago.

"And now to Latif Jardin," Caesar pauses for a second, reading the score, "with a score of 4."

"A score of 9," Caesar finishes, making Thana smile proudly at her brother.

"Great job," Rohan pats Latif's back, "look at how you've grown. I am proud of you kid."

"Now to Thana Jardin," Caesar smiles at the screen, "a score of 10."

"Well done, Thana," Rohan grins at the girl, "we did good this year."

Not surprisingly, of course, no, with two former victors who won a few years ago, it would be weird if they had done badly. Though it is weird a poem gets the score of 10.

"Lastly district 12," Caesar announces, "Peeta Mellark with a score of 12 and Katniss Everdeen with a score of 12 as well." He looks up in shock, "as heard, the scores are very high this year. But so is the competition. I will see you all tomorrow evening at the interviews."


"Something sketchy is going on," Thana says as she walks up the stairs with Rohan. Latif already tucked into his bed. "They are setting us all, but definitely district 12 high on the list to kill."

"That is why our plan must succeed," Rohan muses, opening the door to the roof. Haymitch already there with districts 3, 4, 6 and 10. The elevator doors open, revealing Johanna, Blight, and district 8.

"We are complete," Haymitch starts the meeting. "You all know the plan at hand, but there are still some positions to appoint."

"A proposition of sorts," Thana muses with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, exactly," Haymitch points to the woman of district 9. "Obviously we are going to try our hardest to keep Katniss and Peeta alive. But they have chosen who they want as allies."

"Probably not me," Johanna whispers to Thana who giggles at the girl.

"Well, more precisely," Haymitch hums, "Katniss has chosen Beetee, Wiress and Mags."

"If Mags is choses," Finnick speaks up, "then I am in the deal as well."

"Correctly," Rohan jumps in, "this is why we would propose that you and Mags take them under your wings at the start."

"We can do that," Mags nods, "we'll try to keep them alive till the others come."

"It is out of our character to ally," the woman from district 6 hums, "we are loners, we can hide somewhere and do our best when they come near us."

"If you both want that," Haymitch nods to them.

"My brother wants to ally with district 10," Thana speaks up, looking at Peter and Olivia, "even though everybody knows of the friendship between Johanna and me, I think it would be the smartest decision for us two to ally up in the start, because as I shall say during the interviews. I shall do anything to get Latif out."

"I agree yeah," Olivia smiles at the girl, "like district 6 said, we mustn't get to much out of character."

Thana catches the sorrowful look that Johanna offers her, giving her goosebumps not created by the cold wind that blows and conceals the nature of this meeting.

"Woof and I shall either go with district 9 and 10 or go in alone like district 6." Cecelia says, "anything else would be weird for us to do."

"The less we know, the better," Peter says, "we shall head down now, Thana can lead us in the arena, so we keep up with the plan."

With that, districts 6, 8 and 10 leave the roof. Leaving the other alone in the cold of the night.

"Blight and I can guarantee that Beetee and Wiress get to Katniss," Johanna says, though it sounds more like a question. "Then we have full circle and best chance."

"Okay, so then only my group needs a purpose," Thana looks at Haymitch and Rohan who share a meaningful look. "No, you can't be serious."

"I am sorry, Thana," Rohan looks down at the floor, "I wish it wasn't this way, but it makes the most sense."

"What is going on, what do you all mean?" Finnick speaks up, noticing how a single tear leaves Thana eyes and how Johanna's stance has changed to one in which she comforts herself and not from the cold.

"They want us to hunt down the careers," Thana's voice breaks.

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