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HEELS, GOLDEN STRAPPY high heels. Thana loathed them, but no matter what, Arthur always made her wear them, luckily, she had worn them before, but still hurtful things. Of course, the heels match the dress perfectly. Thana had never seen such a beautiful dress before, warm yellow silk that just fitted her perfectly. Even the golden jewelry matched, and Thana could only thank Arthur again.

"You outdo yourself every time," Thana smiles at the older stylist, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Still radiate your beauty," Arthur Gold smiles at the girl that could've been his granddaughter, how he had learned to care for her. How the man wishes that it is her that gets out and wins. "Because your beauty lies within your soul, I only try to reflect that."

"Thank you," Thana hugs the man carefully for her dress, "I shall look for you in the audience."

"And I shall listen to your every word as if it is only me you talk to," Arthur smiles sadly at her, "I know I shall see you tomorrow again, but know that I see you as family."

"And I see you as mine," Thana wipes away a tear, "my honorary grandfather."

"Come on," Arthur lead Thana towards the other tributes, "you've got to steal some hearts."


It was no surprise that every victor turned tribute would try to stop the games from happening, all of them still tormented by the horrors from their games; no matter how many years had passed since then. Living with the blood on your hands, whether you killed or not, is excruciating. Because in there you only have one goal, getting out. And as soon as you get out, you wish you never did; all because a big part of you never gets out.

Just behind Thana, Latif stands. Watching the screens showing Cashmere and Gloss doing their interview together, a power move, one that district 9 isn't taking.

"How should I do this, Thai?" Latif mummers into Thana's ear.

The older girl smiles at her younger brother, "watch us all and try your best to get sympathy or something else you can do to draw attention and stop the games." She whispers back, grinning at the interaction between Johanna and Katniss Everdeen. Because Snow deserves to pay for what all the victors went through.

Thana smiles as she hears Finnick's heartfelt poem to his one love, of course she knows it is Annie. And how she knows they look magnificent together, Annie the kind but tortured soul fits perfectly with Finnick's damaged but radiant one. They make her believe love can still exist after winning the games. How her heart breaks for the two, a love that has little future now that Finnick stands here on the stage one more time. Annie must be crying right now, knowing the words are meant for her and only her. Love it truly beautiful but it is as painful as it is magical.

There is no surprise with Johanna's interview; the justified anger the victor expressed is one that every victor present feels in their bones. Are the curse words a bit much, not in Thana's opinion, no they belong there. Nothing makes this whole ordeal better or worse. And Thana would be lying if she said she wasn't smiling at the whole situation that made Caesar very uncomfortable.

Then it is finally time for district 9, Thana is already standing ready to walk up the stage as she gets a small microphone to her face at the last minute. She smiles and nods politely at the man.

"Let's welcome Thana Jardin onto the stage!" Caesar shouts above the screaming in the crowd as Thana walks towards the man, twiring to show of the beautiful dress she wears. "You get more beautiful every time I see you," Caesar compliments the victor.

"Why thank you Caesar," Thana smiles as she takes a seat, "it is an honor to have you interview me one last time."

"One last time?" Caesar asks, "What do you mean?"

"Not all of us are getting out, Caesar," Thana smiles sadly, making the crowd upset.

"Surely you don't mean you won't get out," Caesar sounds unsure, "you were great in your games." The capitol cheers.

"That is kind to say," Thana lies, "but this time I am no longer 17, I am 20 years old Caesar. Going into the games with people I have gotten to know over the past 3 years. People that have become friends..." Thana suppresses a grin as she hears the crowd complain, her plan was working. "Tomorrow I am going in there with my brother."

"Yeah, we all shed a tear when you got reaped after Latif," Caesar smiles sadly at the girl. The crowd seemingly cares about that as well as they aww.

Thana looks up before redirecting her gaze to Arthur. "I have no intention of coming out Caesar." All kinds of shouts can be heard through the crowd.

"What are you saying Thana?" the man asks, tired from all these depressing interviews.

"I am saying, Caesar," Thana smiles sadly to her stylist, "that this is goodbye."

"Surely not, right?" Thana sees sweat drip from Caesars face, "you won once, you can do it again."

"Again?" Thana looks at the man, wondering if after all these years of interviewing he never got the memo that the games are horrifying, "my opponents are equally capable if not more, besides that, I am not able to kill my brother and friends." Thana looks at the crowd, letting a tear fall down her cheek, "this is a goodbye that is tearing me apart. I have gotten to know so many people, and I wish I knew all of you personally." A buzzer goes off, "I am sorry, and I love you all."

Thana gets up together with Caesar, "ladies and gentlemen, Thana Jardin."

After Peeta drops the baby bomb, the victors unite their arms into the sky. Showing a unity that hasn't been shown since the dark times, since the first rebellion. Thana locks her eyes with her brother's, he had done a great interview and right now she just wanted to hug him. But as the older sister goes to mouth some words to him, the lights disappear, setting all the victors turned tributes into the dark.

From the left and right people appear; you couldn't call it to escorting them, because they used force as they pulled the victors away from each other towards all different exits to make sure they couldn't see each other again before the countdown would start tomorrow.

Through all the pulling forces, Thana manages to keep Latif's hand locked in her own as they are pushed forwards. They could be blindfolded for all Thana could care, because wherever they lead the two of district 9, it was dark enough that they didn't know where they were.

As soon as Thana welcomes light again, she sees that they were brought back to the entrance of the tribute center, waiting before the elevator so that they could get some sleep before the games.

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