Goodbyes and Hello's

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(A/N: The picture above is how Clary looks like.)

∞Clarissa's P.O.V.∞

"Clarissa,dear the time has come for you to go." Minnie says "Does she really have to go Professor she's my sister after all I'm going to miss her so much even tough we were raised differently." Harry pouts and I smile sadly and hug him "Don't worry Hars I'll be fine and if everything works out we'll be raised by mom and dad." I say between tears "Excuse me Clarissa but once you go back in time it's not to kill Voldemort but to change the events slightly and once it happens you can re do your life as you lived it now but you and your brother will not be raised by your parents it will change the future. Being that as soon as you and your brother are born you have to disappear from their lives and to be your true self and when Voldemort attacks the house you must save your parents but never under any circumstance shall you reveal your true identity to anybody but the Hogwarts staff." Minnie says sadly.

"Ok Bye Hars, Bye Mione, Bye Won-Won. I will never forget all our adventures." I say after a big scene of cries and protests I spin the Time turner and say in latin "in praeteritum tempus ad me convertam salutem innocentium reducam veteris ad mundum balence Sospite"(take me back in time for I will change the past I will bring balence to the world and save the innocent of the old hartred) and the last thing I remember is my owl Fallax, Latin name for Hedwig, settling on my left shoulder.

I reach the head masters office and call out "Hello?" "Yes my dear? How can I help you?" Professor Dumbledor says in front of me smiling making me smile back at his sweetness and give him the letter that says:

'Dear Albus.

I am trully sorry for the girl to appear out of the no where but she is the Potter girl from a future Prophecy she is to change the past and maybe find the love of her life.

With best wishes

Future Minerva McGonnagal'

"Alright my dear let's go notify everyone here about you" He says warmly making me nod. As we are walking towards the great hall for breakfast I presume I say "Excuse Head Master but I need to tell you something I to tell you.I have a gift very much like the metamorphus's one but I can change the age I look and make the clothes fit me." "As I thought Miss?" He says "Potter. Clarissa Evelyn Potter." I say smiling. " Albus there you are we thought you wouldn't come down for breakfast and who is this beautiful girl?" Professor McGonnagal asks "This Minerva is a student from the future, you sent her to me she is here to change the past and we must inform Mr and Mrs Potter to treat her like their long and lost daughter. She'll apparate at the station and catch the Potters and there she and James will go on the train." Professor Dumbledor says and they all nod making me smile.

After breakfast I prepare my trunk and apparate at the station, the wizarding station, I quickly change my appearance to an 11 year old, I see my grandparents and run to them hugging 'mom' "Mom! Dad!" I squeal hugging them and because I look like a carbon copy of my father aka James, my fake twin brother the is no problem "Clarissa!" Mom says hugging me tight like Mrs Weasley used to"James we want you to meet you long lost stwin sister Clarissa Evelyn Potter, Clarissa meet you brother James Harold Potter" Dad says I smile shyly and extend my hand for him to shake but instead he hugs me. "Hurry now the train will leave any moment now." Mom hurries us up to train.

James and I look for a compartment until we find one with two people who I see are Remus John Lupin my future 3 year D.A.D.A. teacher and Sirius Orion Black, gosh if he was already hot being old even more now that he's 11 I know I'm staring at him but unluckly my brother says "We'll sit here." and sits both of them look at us funny and I groan feeling embarassed but look at Sirius big mistake he's staring right at me. i smile and then say "Godric James where are your manners? Excuse my brother may we sit here with you everywhere else is full?" Sirius immediately answers still looking at me like I'm looking at him "Sure please come in and sit here next to me." I blush but sit next to him and mumble "Thanks." "I'm Sirius Black and this is Remus Lupin but don't worry if he doesn't talk to you in the beginning." Sirius says to James. Great now James has all the attention so I turn mine to the door and see mom aka Lily pass so I grab this chance to be friends with her.

"Excuse me." I say making everyone look at me and Lily says "Are you talking to me?" I nod and say "Mind if I sit with you?" "Hey what about us?" James and Sirius ask annoyed but I ignore them and she answers "I would love to have more company and I hope you don't mind my friend Severus he's also sitting with us." I smile and shake my head then say "I'm Clarissa by the way Clarissa Evelyn Potter." "I'm Lily Sophia Evans and he is Severus Snape." she say and extends her hand which I take and walk with them to another carriage.

God Harry this is going to be difficult without you.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now