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*Clary's P.O.V.*

"Clary it's dangerous please don't enter." Remus said and everyone agreed I sighed and said "No one from Hogwarts has entered the competition if I enter I can guarantee you I'll win." I say and they finally give in, so I enter the Great Hall every single student from the three schools looks at me and some smile when they see me walk up to the goblet and as I place the paper with my name in it I hear gasps.

Since today was the deadline I sit down on Sirius's lap and wait for the teachers to arrive, they arrive 10 or 15 minutes later "Let us see who our champions are now." Crouch says and Dumbledore approaches the Goblet as fire come out with a piece of paper and he says "The champion for Durmstrang is Jack Karkaroff." and the Durmstrang break into applause "For the Beauxbatons Gabrielle Rien." and then the Beauxbaton start clapping "And finally our Hogwarts Champion Clarissa Potter." and all of Hogwarts claps and I walk towards the Professor and shake his hand and see the knowing glint in his eyes, I then walk to the Trophy room along with the two other students.

We wait half an hour before the teachers arrive and Dumbledore says "There will be three tasks in this Tournament, all dangerous , You may leave. Miss Potter I would like to talk to you." I nod and watch the rest leave, once their gone Dumbledore asks "In your original time line what were the the tasks?" I sigh and answer "The first task were dragons, to retrieve a golden egg that contained a message, a riddle, to be more precise, the second task was in the black lake to save someone who is dear to us and the third was a maze but unfortunately we lost a student Cedric Diggori son of Amos Diggori." he nodded and said to me "Those are the same tasks that we'll have. I'll have Hagrid call you down to see the Dragons on Friday." I nodded and went to bed, well Sirius's bed, ever since I started dating Sirius and Lily started dating James we've been staying in their dorms, Minnie knows about this and only told me "As long as neither of you two  get pregnant I don't have any objection."

Knowing the guys they're planning a prank and Lily is just cuddling with James while they talk so I enter the dorms and sit on Sirius's lap cuddling with him as Lily is doing. "All right everything is ready, Lily-flower, Shifty we have Ravenclaws to prank we'll see you at dinner." and leave "Let's go meet up with Sam and Sev." she said and I nodded.

I remember Samantha came to Hogwarts on our fourth year and instantly fell in love with Sev and started dating him 2 years ago when the guys locked Sev in a broom cupboard and then Lily and I shoved Sam inside too, when we finally let them out their had a date for the next weekend where they began dating.

When Lily and I arrived at our tree we see Sam and Sev in a heated make out session so we turn around and leave them. "Scared Clary?" Lily asked me and I shook my head "It'll be easy but I might need your help Soph." I answered and she nodded.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now