Second task.

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*Clary's P.O.V.*

I woke up today to tickling my feet and growl "Gred, Forge stop or I'll set Molly." I hear "Who on earth are Gred and Forge?" and laughing but the tickling continued so I growled and pounced on the people ready to shift and attack them but stop when I come face to face with Fabeon and Gideon Prewett only them of course "I hate you guys." I grumbled "And by the way where is Ori"I add they nod and Gideon says "Prof McGonagall asked him to accompany her and two other students." then Fabeon adds "Who the hell are Gred and Forge?" I glared at them and got up going straight to the bathroom with my clothes and shower, After showering I dry my hair with magic and dress my swimsuit well it's more a bikini but I like it and then dress one of Ori's Quidditch shirts and my flip flops before heading out to meet the twins, to find them talking about their sister Molly who already left and married Arthur Weasley, I clear my throat making them look at me and gawk, I look down and blush before looking at the clock and grabbing my wand and running out of the dorm with the twin hot on my heels.

When we finally get to the stand in the middle of the black lake James and Lily hug me before Remus asks "Is that Padfoot's shirt?" I nod happily before hugging Lily with all my might. I remembered how Neville Longbottom gave Harry and I Gilly weed so we could breath underwater so I asked Lily and she and Frank Longbottom looked for it and gave it to me yesterday. "Now for the second task, people who the champions care deeply about have been taken and are being guarded deep within the lake and the Champions must save them. May the Champions please come to the ledge only with they're swimsuits and wands please." Dumbledore says and I hug Lily before eating the weed and taking Ori's shirt off and walking to the ledge "You have 1 hour to retrieve what's yours and come back. You may start when the canon blows." He adds and just as he finishes the canon blows and the three of us jump into the water I take longer because I have to wait for the gilds to grow and once they do I swim towards the high weeds and look around to see if the are any Grindilows before seeing the Beauxbatons girl being grabbed and pulled down by them so she hurried across the weeds and came to the mermaids palace is you can call it that to see that Jack had already 'saved' his younger brother leaving only Ori and Victorie Rien so I swim to save them when a mermaid swims to me and hisses "Only one." But I ignore her and save both pulling them to the surface and gasping when I was able to finally breath before being pulled into a kiss by Ori "Never am I going to let you out of my sight again Ori you scared the shit out of me." I told him as soon as I pulled away he smiled and nodded before swimming towards the platform as I helped Victorie swim there.

When I got out of the water I am immediately pulled into arms that give me tingles "Did I ever tell how amazing you are love?" Ori asks and I nod and answer "Every morning and evening and when we're alone together Ori." he nods and kisses my neck smiling.

We all change clothes and walk into the Great Hall super hungry "Man how I missed food." Ori and James say making me and Lily laugh at them as they stuffed themselves with food and mutter "Pigs."

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now