Bonding time with James and Lily

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(A/N: The picture above is how Lily looks like.)

∞Clarissa's P.O.V.∞

We are almost arriving at Hogwarts so me and Lily sent Sev out so we could change.

As we're walking towards the boats I sigh and look at the lake bored but then remember that I left Amore, my snow white cat, wandering around the castle so I look around panicked then turn to Hagrid and ask "Excuse me Hagrid but can't we go any quicker?" he shakes his head "Buggar" I mutter.

As soon as we arrive Minnie comes and get's us then does the inicial speech that I already now the takes us to the Great Hall. "Now when I call your names you shall come here and sit so you will be sorted." we all nod and then it starts.


James -Gryffindor


Remus- Gryffindor



"James please give me a piggy back ride" I beg him but he continues to stare at Lily making me sigh and stomp on his foot "Ouch" he says and glares at me but I only smile sweetly at him. "Lily once we reach our dorm and if it is the same tell me about your family please?" I ask her and she nods speeding up towards the door "Buggar we didn't even hear the password." she groans I smile and call out "Ohhhhh Peeves come here please and tell me the password" he appears smiling at me and says "Fortuna Major" then leaves "Should have known ugh but tomorrow I can sleep until later since its saturday. Fortuna Major" I tell The Fat Lady she sees me and smile saying "Clarissa back so soon. Come in dear." "Thank you Felicity."

I say then enter the Gryffindor Tower flooping my self on the couch "Home sweet Home." I sigh in content Lily clears her throat and starts heading for the stairs with James following her every movement. "Gosh big bro already in love? That was fast." I say laughing, i kiss his cheek and hug Remus and turn to Sirius only to see him there with his arms extended ready for a hug, I fake groan and hug him and since his back is to his friends I see James and Remus smirking and both of them mouth 'You already love him don't you?' I nod slightly but mouth back 'Don't tell him otherwise you will be pranked.' They both nod but continue smirking "Sit with me for breakfast?" Sirius whisper asks me "Definetely" I whisper back and fell him kiss my neck straight on my weak spot making my knees buckle but thanks to his arms around my waist i don't fall "Sirius you can let my sister go now" James says and Sirius does not happy i turn to Remus and hug him again and whisper in his ear "I know what you are and I'll be there for you on Friday but tell them they will help too." He nods and I hug James before turning to go to bed but stop turning quickly around and saying "Tell them tonight Moony it's better. Night guys."

"Finally took you time." Lily says annoyed but smirking "Sorry Mom." I say teasing but not lying at all "Well tell me all about him that was quite a big hug for just friends." She teases making me blush "Oh Lily I think I'm already in love." I say dreamly and we both fall asleep.

*Sirius P.O.V.*

"James mate don't kill me but I think I'm in love with your sister" i say after i hear the dorm door close and flop on my bed "I can tell by the way you have looked at her since we walked into the compartment and when she was away you looked like somebody just took your life source so here's the deal. I'll let you date her if you don't hurt her or break her heart understand?" I eagerly nodded and smile turning then to Remus "What did she tell you to tell us mate?" I ask "Promise not to tell anyone?" He asks and James and I nod he sighs and says "I'm a werewolf I don't how she found out but she did. She said she was going to help me next Friday since it's full moon my guess is that she is an animagus."

We nod and go to bed and I fall asleep dreaming about my Clary.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now