We finally meet....again.

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*Tonks's P.O.V*

I was the first to enter so I ran straight to the kitchen to Remus's arms and pecked him before turning to the twins who were at the door looking inside to see if Clary was in here and when they saw that she wasn't they relaxed, "Ohh you shouldn't be so relaxed she's going to kill you with her bare hands." Hermione said "You guys tricked her and messed up her firebolt good luck" Ginny added and just then they are tackled to the floor by a white fluffy wolf who is growling at them.

This wolf is very majestic but it make Remus, Lily, James, Molly, Arthur, Annabelle and Snape freeze and Sirius freeze in his movement and since Regulus isn't here i don't know.

*Clary's P.O.V.*

I continued to growl at them as they were shaking in fear and pleading "Please Eves don't kill us we are too important to die." I scoff but get of them when I hear Harry who is standing next to Ginny, Hermione and Ron say "Clarissa kill them later, at least let them have their last meal first baby sis." I grunt and shift back fully clothed and get up flipping back my hair letting it fall on my back perfectly and scowl at Harry and growl at him "Don't call me Clarissa." he simply ruffles my hair to which I shriek and he laugh "Harry James Potter get back here." I yell at him as he bolts up the stairs with Ron and Hermione I then look at Ginny looking for help and she nod shouting "Oh my god Evelyn did you know Blaise Zabini has been writting to me all summer, he is so sweet he even asked my to his girlfriend and I said yes." then she fake squealed letting me put my part to play but not before locking eyes with Sirius and shout "Is that so Draco Malfoy asked me and I also said yes, Oh my god we're dating the sexiest and hottest guys in Hogwarts and they are also bad boys, that combination is the combination that owns my heart." and fake squeal. "FUCK NO YOU AREN'T GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY." we hear Ron and the twin shout from upstairs and then Harry add "AND NEITHER ARE YOU CLARISSA EVELYN POTTER." to which I growl "DON'T CALL ME CLARISSA."

I then hug Molly, Arthur, Sam, Sev, Remus and Tonks who out of all people isn't frozen "Hi guys, why are you all frozen?" I ask and just then a voice I think is Regulus's shouts while running down the stairs "Sirius I heard her voice. It's her she's alive, she's here." he says and finishes whispering as he enters the kitchen "Umm do I know you?" I ask pretending confused and look at Ginny who isn't understanding this thankfully. "Shifty is it really you?" James asks walking towards me with Lily in his arm "Who is Shifty? Oh you mean the person who's name is in the Marauders Map that the twins and I nicked from Filch's office in their first year. I don't know who that is." I say feeling horrible to belying to them just then Remus says "I didn't recognize you 2 years ago but know I do. Godric you look like a female copy of James but then again you are his twin." "Okayy. This is weird but if you are trying to say that I look like a carbon copy of my father James Harold Potter, well then thank you Professor Lupin, but I have been told that all my life and am also compared to him and his pranks." I say sheepishly, looking down and that's when a shattering noise happens making me look up to the person only to find Sirius walking hurriedly towards me "Well this is really strange." I hear Ginny mutter and just like that I am picked up by my waist and pinned to the wall by Sirius, I only have a fraction of a second to look in his eyes and find sorrow, happiness, lust and the most predominant love, before he kisses me passionately making me shudder "Oi, let go of our apprentice." I hear the twins says and just like that Ori is ripped away from me, making me fall on the floor and whimper, this causes Ori to growl and throw the twins away from me, before picking me and holding me tight, and growls at the twins "WHAT'S WITH THE GROWLING DOWN THERE?" Hermione shouts from up stairs "NOTHING!" Ginny and I shout back, I then I turn to Ori and whisper in his ear "After bed time, Buckbeak's room." I then get up and go upstairs with Ginny and the twins.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now