First Task and the Riddle.

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*Sirius P.O.V.*

I'm walking towards the champions tent in hopes to see her before the task, I see a shadow that looks like Lyn so I whisper "Lyn?" "Ori is that you?" she whispers back and I answer "Yeah it's me. Are you ready?" "No I'm not Ori." she says on the verge of crying so I enter the tent and pick her up hugging her, she immediately wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me, I of course kiss back and then I hear a SNAP  we break apart to find Rita Skeeter saying "Young Love how beautiful." and then Lyn snaps "You shouldn't be here this tent is only for Champions and friends." Rita scowls but shuts up just as Professor Dumbledore enters the tent so I put her down and wrap my arms around her waist . "Champions you each have to defeat your dragons and collect the golden egg that they were given to protect. Mr Black what are you doing here?" Dumbledore says and I  state proudly "Giving my girlfriend a good luck kiss Professor." Dumbledore nods and let's me stay but send me away when the task begins.

*Clary's P.O.V*

It's finally turn and I'm shaking.

I walked towards the arena and am immediately thrown across the arena colliding with the wall and curse "Bloody Hell!!!" I run from rock to rock until I have a clear way to summon my nimbus and mumble "Accio Nimbus." a few seconds later it appeared but to far away and since the dragon and closing in on me I decided to do the worst I ran up to the highest rock and jump on my broom successfully avoiding the dragon and it's fire quickly grabbing the egg and landing safely.

Once I was cleared I was attacked with hugs from my friends "Don't you dare scare me like that sis." James says hugging me tight I smile and hug him back, then look around and frown when I don't see Sirius "Where's Ori?" I ask and Lily and Sam say smirking "Preparing a surprise for you, he'll meet you in the common room." I nod and hug my egg tight and follow them to the common room, where every single Gryffindor are waiting.

After the party I look for Sirius only to find him with a red rose by the portrait door "Looking for me Lyn?" He asks handing me the rose I nod and kiss him he hold my waist while I have my arms around his neck in one hand holding the egg and the other holding the rose, "Come on I prepared something for you, to help you relax after what happened." he whispers in my ear I nod and let him take me to the prefects bathroom.

"Ori why are we here?" I ask him as soon as we enter the bathroom and I spot a swim pool fool of warm water "Well I wanted some time alone with you and where you're brother wouldn't interrupt us so I thought of here, but if you don't want it we can leave." he says I simply place the stuff down and pull him to me and kiss him, he smirked into the kiss before kissing back and picking me up, I yelped but continued to kiss him while wrapping my legs around his waist as he takes me closer to the pool and takes my shirt off as I take his off too he sets me down and soon we were both naked and I was pulling him towards me in the water.

After the steamy make out session I dived pulling Sirius with me he pulled me to him and kissed me again, I kissed and then remember what happened with Harry and our tournament.

//Flashback to her original 3rd year\\

I was sitting alone in the common room waiting for Harry when he came running in with his hair drenched "I figured it out, the egg, its a riddle sis." he whispered/yelled I looked at him happy and asked "How did you do it?" "I followed Cedric's advice and toke a bath in the prefects bathroom and opened the egg under the water." he says before I question him again "What does it says?" and once again he answers.

" 'Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back' "


I pull away quickly making him pout but I ignore it and grab the egg "Hold your breath Ori." I tell him and dive again as does he and I open the egg and the riddles is heard loud and clear.

" 'Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back' "

We both resurface and he looks at me in wonder before kissing me again and continuing our intense make out session.

When we finally leave the bathroom its almost time to go to bed so we hurry back to the dorm where he kisses me and lays on the bed "There's absolutely no way you're going to do my sister in your bed man, especially not when I'm here, I mean you already share a bed isn't that enough?" James protests  we break apart and Sirius growls and pulls me to him and just that act make Lily squeal and jump from the bed pulling me out of Sirius arms and towards the door making me look at him longingly, she then takes me to Alice's dorm somehow knowing that she would be there and alone and says "Clary did the do with Sirius after the party, when they disappeared." Alice squeals and hugs me, I hug back awkwardly and ask Lily "Soph how did you figure it out?" "Well when you walked in you had this glow and you were super happy and then when Sirius growled at your brother and pulled you closer to him the atmosphere around you two wasn't awkward like it always is it was pure and happy, plus the way your hands were on chest and his were on your waist possessively." she explains and I nod before looking at the clock and saying "I figured it out, the egg, it has a riddle and Ori and I figured it out on the way here it's in the Black Lake, some one who we care about will be taken and we need to save him or her, we have an hour to look and recover them but past and hour we lose." I say they both nod before Lily and I head back to our dorm and fall asleep in our boyfriends arms.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now