6 years later

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(A/N: contains a small mature scene ahead beware.)

*Clary's P.O.V.*

I wake up to kisses on my neck and moan a little "Wake up Lyn." Sirius says in between kisses "Ori please don't do that." I say moaning, he grabs my waist and places me on top of him so I'm straddling him "Morning Love." he says I giggle and kiss him as I remember how this happened.

//Flashback to 3rd year\\

"Clary come on I know you have your permission slip signed James has his so." Lily says pulling me with her towards the carriages. "There you two are!" Alice says as Lily and I sit in the carriage "So let's get this straight Lily has a date with James Potter, Clary has a date with Sirius Black and I have a date with Frank Longbottom." She adds and we all nod Sirius and James had asked us out last weekend after the Quidditch game and since I had broken wrist I couldn't play I watched from the stands, they used fireworks that much reminded me of the way George and Fred left Hogwarts in my original 5th year, and wrote 'Lily Evans and Clarissa Potter will you go out with us?' while they were sitting on their brooms in front of us, I look into Sirius's eyes and grab a handful of his quidditch uniform pulling him to me and crash my lips into his, I feel him smile into the kiss lightly before deepening it. When we break apart a few seconds later I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks and say "I would love to." he fist bumps James who is also beaming as I look at a flushed Lily, I hear cheers from all around the the field.

When Lily and I arrive at the Three Broomsticks we see James and Sirius waiting for us, we walk towards them and sit down Lily next to James as I sit next to Sirius. Just after we leave the Three Broomsticks James pulls Lily away and Sirius leads me towards the passage that give us a clear view to the Shrieking Shack "Ori why are we here?" I ask holding his hand "I have to ask you something." he explains and I turn to him and nod urging him to continue "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me I beam and kiss him  quickly and say "I would love to." he beams and spins me making me giggle.

//End of Flashback\\

"I love you so much Lyn." he whispers against my lips and I smile saying "I love you to Ori." and kiss him again, he shifts us so he's pinning to our bed with his body I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer to me, he takes my top off and unhooks my bra before assaulting my breasts making me arch my back up and moan a bit loudly, he then hooks his fingers on my shorts and starts pulling them off while his boxers where hanging dangerously low on his waist but I could feel his member becoming hard quickly so I began to rock my hips against his making him moan in response to the friction.

Just then James shouts from the other side of the door "Padfoot stop doing my sister." both of us groan and get up but not before he kissed me again, I sent him to have a cold shower before I got dressed and headed downstairs.

~Time Lapse~

"Welcome Back Students and before we start having dinner I have an important announcement to make." Dumbledore anounces which makes people start to talk as I look at Sirius in curiosity but he only shrugs just then Dumbledore  says the sentence that I never wanted to hear again "Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizards Tournament, the schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be joining us this year. Now let us receive the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons." I start grumbling at the words 'ladies from Beauxbatons' but Sirius whispers in my ear "Don't worry dear I only have eyes for you." but I whisper mad "They're veelas Ori." he simply kisses me quickly but passionately I smile at him and grab his hand.

After introducing the two schools Mister Barty Crouch Sr. says "The Ministry has decided that for your protection, only students above the age of 17 can participate." and hell breaks lose. At dinner a Beauxbaton girl walks up to Sirius and asks "Can I sit with you?" batting her eyelashes flirtingly to which I growl making her glare at me in annoyed but Sirius wraps his arm around me and say coolly to her "Sorry but I'm sitting with my girlfriends and my friends so piss off." she glares and walks away and I smile at him and kiss him.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now