Harry..... I mean James.

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(A/N: The picture above is how James looks like.)

∞Clarissa's P.O.V.∞

"Clary wake up we have to go and have breakfast." A voice says "Let me sleep Hermione." I say then hear another voice that melts me instantly "Oi Evans is Lyn awake I need to talk to her." "No she's still asleep." Lily shouts down the stairs then whispers in my ear "I think Black is looking for you Clary probably to tell you that he already loves you and wants you to be his." I bolt out off bed pushing Lily away from me and rush to the shower and washing my hair with a vanilla and chocolate shampoo then wrap a towel around my head and dress the bathing robe hurring to my trunk as Lily and the other girls look at me smirking "What?" I ask then as I get dressed in my uniform thank god I kept it. "Nothing just how at the mention of Black you start running around like a chicken. Clarissa Evelyn Potter Black. I like the sound of it." Lily teases "By the way these are Molly Prewett she's in 4th year and Alice Fortouse she's also a first year." She then adds I nod and smile af each and watch as they walk calmly to the bathroom.

I take the towel off my head and start drying it with an enchanted muggle hairdryer but the curls remain i sigh and say "Lisse." whatching my curls straighten themselfsand apply a nude lipstick. "Girls I'm going." I shout then grab my bag and rush downstairs only to miss the last step and crashing into my idiotic yet smart twin brother. "James thanks for catching me." I say smiling down at him.

He nods and pushes me off and gets up, I look up at him expectantly as he extends his hand, as soon as I grab it he pulls me into a bear hug "Morning Shifty." He says as we break apart I look at him confused but then hear Sirius whining "Hey what about me ?" so I turn around so quickly my lips crash into his we stay like this for a few seconds before breaking apart completely red from embarassement. "Sorry." We say simultaniously then start laughing then i give Remus a quick hug and grab Sirius's hand as we walk towards the Great Hall for breakfast. "So what are James and Sirius's nicknames?" I ask "Well sis you see you called Remus Moony because of his condition, so he suspects you're an animagus so Sirius and I decided to become animaguses too." James states quite proudly, Sirius nods but Remus and I correct James by saying. "It's animagi not animaguses." making James roll his eyes at us. "But as James was saying we want to become animagi so i was thinking you could teach us. I would be Padfoot and James would be Prongs. Please Lyn!" Sirius begs I sigh but give in "Shifty could you intruduce me to your ginger friend please?" James asks and I nod as we walk towards our newly claimed tree.

"Clary? Clary? Ohhh Clary?" A voice calls i groan but open my eyes and sneering a "Harry how many times have I told you....... I mean James what seems to be the problem?" "First of all who's Harry?" Sirius ask in a jealous tone "My .... adoptive brother." I say "You hesitated." James says "It's true but it seems weird calling him adoptive brother when to me he was my twin brother all my life until now . And Padfoot my heart already has an owner." I explain "Oh really who?" He asks sounding  jealous again. "You dimwit." I answer blushing mad and peck his lips knowing James wouldn't like it to be more than that.
"Can I have a longer one please?" Sirius says trying to convince me and as I am about to answer James growls pulling me to him "No way Padfoot you will only be able to kiss her at the end of the year." "Gezz Prongs protective much?" Remus and Sirius ask but James shakes his head "I only got her back this year not losing her again." He says and we all sigh.

♪Lily P.O.V.♪

I see Clary with her brother and his friends her brother is kind of cute but looks like the jock type but still extremely cute "Hey Sev I'm go Clary want to come?" I ask him but he shakes his head and says "No go ahead I actually need to solve a few thing with my house. Bye Lily" and goes I smile and arrange my self take a deep breath and walk over to them.

"Hey Clary." I say she turns around and jumps to her feet hugging me "Hey Lily. Look I want to present you my fellow Marauders and no we didn't kill anyone." She says I smile but can't help looking at her brother as we sit down. "That my dear friend is my twin brother James Harold Potter also known as Prongs, to his left is Remus John Lupin known Moony and to his right is Sirius Orion Black the third known as Padfoot. Guys this is my dearest friend Lily Sophia Evans." She says they all nod except for James who is looking at me and says "It's a pleasure to meet you Lily." And kisses the back of my hand making me blush. "Okay Harry...... I mean James enough flattery." Clary says.

"Why did you call yourselves the Marauders?" I ask interested.

[DISCONTINUED] From the future to change the past (A Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now