The Outsider

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I got up the next morning, got dressed, and headed to the cemetery. I was standing by Henry and listened as Mary Margaret gave a eulogy.

"Some of us knew him as Archie. Others, as Jiminy. But we all knew him as a true friend. And though he may now be gone, he will always live on inside of us. Reminding us to be our best selves, to do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in. So, we shouldn't think of today as goodbye, just as a way of saying... Archie, we'll be listening." Mary Margaret said.

After Mary Margaret walked back to David, and he embraced her, Emma and I followed after Henry as he walked away. I decided that I didn't want to crowd Emma and the others, so I asked Belle if it was okay if I hung out with her. She agreed and I followed her to the library.

"Wow! This is amazing." I said as I looked around the library.

Belle laughed and went to put some books up.

"Uh, sorry. The... The library's not open yet." Belle said to someone.

When I followed her voice, I saw Hook standing there. How in the hell did he get to Storybrooke?

"Oh. I'm not here for the books, love." Hook said.

"You. You're the one who broke into my cell at the Queen's palace." Belle said.

Belle then took off and Hook followed.

"You wanted to kill Rumplestiltskin." Belle said.

"Oh, I still do. But, right now, I'll settle for you. Hello again, Hazelle." Hook said to Belle before looking at me.

I didn't get a chance to respond, because Belle knocked a cart of books over onto Hook, and we took off into the elevator. Belle called Gold, and I could tell that she was frustrated because the call was going in and out.

"How do you know him?" Belle asked.

"We crossed paths when we were in the enchanted forest." I replied.

The beating on the elevator doors continued until it finally stopped. When the doors opened, Gold was standing there. I was happy to see him and so was Belle.

"Belle. It's okay. It's okay. Here." Gold said as he hugged Belle before putting his jacket around her.

"Where... Where is he?" Belle asked.

"I don't know. But you've got nothing to fear. I'm here now." Gold replied.

Gold then looked at me, so I decided to tell him.

"Hook showed up and came after Belle." I told him.

"Thank you for being here." Gold said.

"Not a problem. I need a distraction after everything that's happened." I said.

Gold chuckled before we all headed to his shop. I didn't want to leave Belle after Gold goes after Hook, and I can tell that Gold is appreciative of me sticking with Belle.

"Where are you going?" Belle asked.

"The shop." Gold replied.

"Why?" Belle asked.

I'm starting to like this girl because she questions everything and makes you think about what you're going to say before you say it.

"Well, let's just say, there are many wonderful things in there, that I could use to make sure that pirate never comes near you or Hazelle ever again." Gold replied.

Did he just call me by my actual name instead of calling me Miss Evans? He just surprised the heck out of me.

"Rumple, no. We... We need to report this to the Sheriff. They'll take care of him. You're so close to finding your son. Please. Please, don't let your hatred for this man get in the way of that." Belle said.

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