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After the curse was broken, Emma, Henry, Regina, Dr. Whale, and I all shared a look. Regina's was different than the rest of ours. Her look was one of shock, because I guess she couldn't figure out how the curse was broken. Emma, Henry, and I hugged each other before Henry got dressed and we went to go find everyone else. When we got to the town square, we heard Mary-Margaret say something about finding her daughters.

"So, it's true." Emma said, and that made everyone turn to us.

Mary-Margaret cupped Emma's face before hugging her. Henry and I stood off to the side, and watched the scene unfold. I knew that it was going to be hard on Emma, but I also knew that deep down, Emma wanted this.

"You found us." Mary-Margaret said as she hugged Emma tight.

Emma didn't return the hug, and I knew why. This was confusing for all of us. Emma and I just found out that our parents are Snow White and Prince Charming. Any normal person would be bouncing off the walls, but we're not normal people. David then joined in the hug, and I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips. It was a beautiful site.

"Grandpa?" Henry questioned as he walked closer to the trio.

"Yeah, kid. I suppose so." David chuckled before hugging Henry as well.

Everyone laughed at that, and I had to join in on that, because it was funny. All of a sudden, Mary-Margaret and David turned to me. They walked closer and pulled me into a hug. I was in shock, but slowly hugged them back. I've always dreamed of this moment, and I was glad that it had come true.

"Alycia." Mary-Margaret said as she hugged me tightly.

When we finally pulled apart, I looked at Mary-Margaret and David confused.

"Why did you call me, Alycia?" I questioned.

"That's the name that we gave you. You were brought to us after you were born; the same night that the curse came. We were going to raise you with Emma, but we were ripped apart." Mary-Margaret replied with a sad smile.

I was in shock. I wasn't biologically theirs, but they wanted to raise me anyway. They may not be my biological parents, but they're still my parents. I guess I was fixing to cry because Mary-Margaret hugged me again.

"I'm ok. I'm just in shock." I told her as I hugged her back.

I'm still confused on why my name is Hazelle, but Mary-Margaret and David named me Alycia. I bet that Hazelle was my middle name. I like Alycia better, but I guess we'll see what everyone else wants to call me. While I was in my thoughts, everyone was talking about what the smoke was, and wondering what was going on.

"There you are. Come with me. I need your help. Dr. Whale's whipped everyone into a frenzy. They're going to Regina's house. They're going to kill her!" Archie hollered as he ran up to us.

"Great, let's watch." Leroy, one of the dwarfs, said.

"No. No, we cannot stoop to her level. No matter who she is or what she's done, killing her is wrong." Archie told us, or mostly Leroy.

"He's right. Please. She's still my mom." Henry begged as she looked from me to Emma.

Emma and I shared a look, and we both knew what we had to do. Even though this is all her fault, Regina shouldn't have to die.

"We have to stop them." Emma told the group.

"If the Blue Fairy is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back. They'll be marching into a slaughter." David told us.

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