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I got up the next morning and decided to go see Belle. I had stopped and picked up some books because I figured she would like them. I also need someone else to talk to and I miss having her around. I lightly knocked on the door and smiled once she realized who it was.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." Belle said back.

"Do you remember me?" I asked.

"I think so. You're the one that stayed with me when I got here." Belle replied.

"That's right. I don't think I ever got to tell you my name. I'm Hazelle." I said.

"It's nice to meet you Hazelle. I would tell you my name, but I can't remember it." Belle said.

"It's fine, girl. You'll remember soon enough. But if you want, I can help." I said.

"Mr. Gold said the same thing. He's getting my discharged paperwork." Belle said.

"I must've missed him when I came in, but he'll be a little more help than me." I said.

I handed her the books and giggled when Belle's eyes got real big.

"I don't know how much help this might be, but when we met, you told me about all the books you read. I figured you could use some books to help you whenever you need them." I said.

"So we were friends?" Belle asked.

"We were and still are if that's okay with you." I replied.

Before Belle could answer, Regina knocked on the door. I excused myself but told Belle that I would be right back. When I returned, Belle was gone and so was Regina. Gold was pissed and sent the nurse to find Belle.

"What's that?" I asked Gold as I entered the room.

He showed me the matchbook and I was confused. Gold then explained everything about the bar and that he was going to find Belle. I asked him to keep me in the loop and I would help him any way that I could. Gold agreed and we went our separate ways.

Somehow when I left the hospital, my parents and Emma were waiting for me. Our mom and dad said that they needed to show us something. I got in my car and followed them to this field.

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere? Why aren't you guys telling us what's going on? Why the secrecy?" I asked confused.

"Because you need to see it." Mary Margaret replied.

"Great. That always goes well for us. Listen, whatever it is, it can wait. August was trying to warn us about something-someone dangerous." Emma said.

"Doesn't matter." David said.

"Why not?" Emma and I asked.

"Because of this." Mary Margaret replied.

We all held hands and walked through this barrier. We saw rows and rows of beans. I knew that Anton had a bean with him, but I didn't realize that our parents were actually going to grow their own beans.

"Emma. Hazelle." Anton said as he came over and hugged Emma and myself.

"Hey." Emma and I said.

"Are you here to help? It's not quite harvest time yet." Anton said.

"You're growing magic beans. That's what you were up to when I was in New York? Why didn't you tell me?" Emma asked.

"We are telling you. Hazelle had no idea either. We kept it a secret to protect the crop. Mother Superior, she cloaked the area. That way Anton can do what he does best." David replied.

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