In the Name of the Brother

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Emma, David, and Mary Margaret came by to get me as they were on their way to the town line. Emma explained that there was something going on at the town line, and we needed to hurry. I got in the squad car and we headed to the town line. When we got there, Gold and Belle were at the town line, Hook was on one side of the road, who nobody has noticed yet but me, and there was a car on the other side.

"I'm at the town line. Two people down, maybe three. There's a car- pretty banged up with Pennsylvania plates." Emma said through her radio.

David and Mary Margaret went to Gold and Belle, while Emma and I headed towards Hook.

"Hey, beautiful. Here, I didn't think you'd notice." Hook strained to say.

Emma ignored him, so I bent down to check his wounds. I pressed on his ribs and he yelled out in pain.

"Your ribs are broken." I said.

"Oh, that must be why it hurts when I laugh. Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant! Just like Milah, crocodile! When you took her from me..." Hook said before throwing insults at Gold.

"But you took her first." Gold said.

Gold then lunged at Hook and dug his cane into his neck.

"Gold, are you insane?" Emma asked after she had pulled me away before Gold got to Hook.

"Yes, I am!" Gold yelled.

"You can't do that!" David said as he tried to hold Gold back.

"I can if you let me go." Gold said.

"You don't want her to see that." I tried to reason.

"I'm a stranger to her." Gold argued back.

"Murder is a bad first impression." I said.

"What would Belle want you to do?" David asked.

Before Gold could do anything else, an ambulance showed up. It distracted Gold long enough for David to pull him off of Hook.

"Over here!" David called out.

The paramedics headed towards us, but Emma directed them towards the car.

"No! Him! Take care of him. He can wait." Emma told the paramedics.

I didn't hear anything that was said because I was trying to figure out what was going to happen next.

"I told you not to egg him on, but did you listen? No, you didn't, you dumbass." I mumbled to Hook before joining the others.

We headed to the hospital and I was trying to figure things out to try to help Emma with this.

"Hide him." Emma told the nurse about Hook.

"What?" the nurse asked confused.

"Find a room and hide him." Emma replied.

Gold soon entered the hospital and I knew this wouldn't end well for anyone.

"Belle. What's going on?" Gold asked.

"Get him out of here." David called out.

"Well, what's happening? Belle!" Gold called out.

"I'd like to know that myself." Leroy said as he came in as well.

"Belle! Belle!" Gold hollered.

"Everybody, calm down! Mr. Gold, everything will be fine. She's in good hands here. I promise." Dr. Whale said as he finally showed his face.

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