Chapter 26 - Surprise from the Future

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It's been days since Savitar and Caitlin had drinks with Carla and told her about the pregnancy which to his surprise was taken alot better than what he suspected.

(Back to that Night)
The three of them sat down at their table as Savitar vibrated the molecules on his scarred face to make them disappear as to not freak out the barista "hey could I have two Cappuccino's and one decaf tea coffee please?" Savitar spoke calmly as possible.

Carla turned to Caitlin and smiled gently "you have a good man there Caitlin, sure he seems on the rough and gritty side but I say with Frost...that balances you out quiet well" she teased as Caitlin blushed "mom knock it off...but yeah....your right about that at least...he's certainly a good man" she stared over at him which he noticed and smiled back "now what did you want to speak to me about?" Caitlin braced herself as Savitar brought them their drinks and sat himself next to her, placing a comforting arm around her " far your the only person who knows but... I'm pregnant" she explained hoping her mother wouldn't chastise her for this too "wait wait a minute, you got married without even telling me and then you drop this bombshell that your pregnant!?" Carla exclaimed which caused everyone to glance over at them "speak louder I'm sure they didn't hear you" Caitlin spoke sarcastically as she rolled her eyes wishing this wasn't the outcome "well...I must admit it's say the least...but I get to be grandmother...that's pretty exciting" Carla chuckled over at them as Savitar let out a sigh of relief as Caitlin looked over at her mother once again "I'm glad you feel that way...because I want our child to have a grandparent there" Caitlin explained happily as Savitar chuckled down at them as he drank his cappuccino quickly still processing being a father "I'm just going to get some air, I'll be back in a few minutes" he got up and left which Caitlin told her mother about Savitar concerns about being a parent.

Outside of Jitters he had turned the corner and bumped into someone which pushed his nerves however he remained calm "oh I'm sorry, didn't see you there" he chuckled softly as he regained himself, pulling on his jacket tighter. "Oh no, it's ok I've always had problems with getting in people's way" she spoke in a low however friendly tone "ha yeah I get the feeling...I'm Sa...Sebastian what about you?" He told her, annoyed he nearly called himself Savitar to this random stranger however something was off with her and he felt it however decided not to pry further "oh me? I'm Natalie, has anyone ever told you you look exactly like Barry Allen, that forensic scientist who got framed of the Devoe killing?" Savitar felt his blood boil at this "yeah I get that alot...hey I've got to be heading back to my wife and mother in law see you later" he turned to leave "yes you will" she smiled to herself before turning to leave too but Savitar had something on his mind he had to say "hey weren't you at that wedding...?..." But as he turned, she was gone vanished into thin air "weird..." But he turned back to enjoy the rest of the night with Caitlin and Carla.

(Back to the Present)
Savitar stood upon the top of Star labs which was he favourite place to clear his head and think to himself however he spotted lightning travelling throughout the city which was strange however he had pulled out his suit which enveloped his whole body as he sped out after it in hopes to catch it as he didn't need another speedster running around, this speedsters lightning glowed a blinding white with the occasional blue sparks surrounding her body he rushed to move in closer and in doing so he grabbed ahold of the person and pulled them through Central City exactly how he did to Barry when he was still evil and ran this person to the highest building in Central city and quickly pinned them to the wall noticing it was that same girl from the coffee shop and the same one from Barry and Iris' wedding "who the hell are you?! Since I've survived my paradox all I've been seeing is you everywhere I go now tell me before I throw you off this building" he threatened in his usual cold sounding voice that came from the suit she groaned and moved against his clenched fists "damn when mom told me you played rough she weren't lying~" she spoke cooly as he immediately let go as his mask retracted back allowing her to smirk up at him "how's it going Dad?"

//Everyone I can finally after many many chapters, introduce you to Natalie Snow Allen, the long awaited child of Savitar and Caitlin/Frost\\

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