Chapter 19 - Lose Yourself

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It's been many weeks since flash time and alot has happened since then, causing the team to focus on the last bus meta, an Edwin Gouse.

Savitar and Caitlin sat in her lab talking over possibilities of why Frost only comes out at certain times, just then Iris walked in "hey you two what you working on?" She asked Caitlin as Savitar sat to her side, watching them both "my brain or brains, I think I've finally figured out the signs behind what activates Killer Frost" Caitlin began to explain as she then brought up how her and Frost talk "I mean just take a look at this...'thanks for the badass new jacket I got some blood on it don't worry it's not ours.'" She repeated the note out loud as Savitar chuckled gently "oh I remember that night" teased as just then an alarm rang through Star Labs "pocket dimension about to open, its Devoe. Get that pen ready" Iris told Caitlin and she went back to cortex as Savitar and Cait who injected herself with the adrenaline pen, turning into the cold hearted queen herself.

Cisco opened a breach for himself, Barry, Savitar, Frost and Ralph bringing to the area of the breach, they all readied themselves, barry kneeling down with the Sonic Sceptre to hit Devoe and Savitar, droppings blades from his gauntlets. Instead it was Edwin Gouse delivering his mail as if they weren't there.

All of them looked on in confusion as they were out in the open "Edwin Gouse?" Barry asked as this startled Edwin to become scared and fall backwards into his pocket dimension. This happened so sudden no one could stop him as this left everyone baffled and confused as ever.

After many discussions of how and where to find Gouse, the team decided to split off into two teams. Barry, Caitlin, Ralph and Savitar was in a group whilst Cisco, Joe and Iris was in another group.

Barry and his group walked through what seemed to be some sort of hippie camp sight in hopes to find him, after talking to one of the inhabitants, Savitar and Cait split off from Barry and Ralph to see if they could find him.

Savitar held Caitlin close in order to not bring attention to themselves, looking for Gouse. "Ok keep your eye for a grossed out hippie" Savitar said as Caitlin chuckled softly, nuzzling into him "gotcha" she replied, smiling gently. Savitar loved their moments together but he wished for more in a way, he had wished their lives were intertwined completely. "Cait...can I um ask you something?" He asked nervously as she glanced up at him, nuzzling closer "sure, go ahead" he let out a shaky sigh before looking into her eyes "Cait...will you.....wait is that?" He changed topic, pointing out Edwin Gouse, roaming around the trees. "Edwin Gouse?" Savitar called out as this scared him again causing him to run deeper into the forest. This prompted Savitar to use his speed to capture him, leaving Cait confused about his supposed question.

Soon Barry and Ralph reached their location after being contacted by Caitlin "hey listen we're not cops, but you are in danger and we're here to protect you" Barry told him as Edwin let out a gasp of air " that why you brought your ninja buddy?" Edwin said with a chuckle. As suddenly Caitlin was stabbed from behind and thrown in the direction of a tree. Savitar used his enhanced speed to tear the samaroid to pieces and catch Caitlin before she hit the tree. "Meet us at Star Labs you two" Savitar told them as he ran off with Cait in his arms.

Savitar did just that and took Cait back to Star Labs just as she was starting to heal. Later that day Ralph attempted to sneak away with Edwin to kill Devoe, which ended up backfiring causing him to be knocked out by Barry.

Team flash decided to use his idea of going into Devoe's lair and take him on once and for all. Barry, Frost and Vibe readied themselves as Savitar told Barry he would stay behind, wanting to keep an eye on Ralph.

Just as they left, their systems began to malfunction and the doors began to close and lock "what the hell is happening?" Savitar asked as he made his way to the door "its Devoe, he's hacked into our systems and overrided everything" Harrison told them all as they all began to bicker between them all. "All of you stay here" Savitar told them bluntly as he began vibrating his body, phasing through the door and speeding to the cortex in hopes to reroute the power as just then Marleze came out from behind Devoe's chair "ahh the other Allen, working on that little mind of yours was alot of fun, I'll be happy to do it again " she said as she readied her self in a stance with her sword. Savitar chuckled coldly as he dropped his blades from the gauntlets, smirking slightly "I don't need my speed to kill you" he told her as just then it started.

Savitar came at her with such speed it was impressive, especially when he wasn't tapping into the speed force whatsoever. Marleze struggled to keep up with his speed at first before finally understanding his speed and strength, rivaling him on his level. They blades clashed, sending sparks flying everywhere "after I'm through with you, I plan on killing your lover...what's her name? Caitlin was it?" She smirked gently just Savitar, grabbed ahold of her blade with his bare hand, causing it to cut deep into it as he slammed her head against Devoe's chair, turning the blade on her, impaling her right through the shoulder "don't you ever touch Caitlin Snow" he growled out as he pressed one of the many buttons on the chair, letting go of the blade and kicking off of her, sending her to fall against the chair teleporting away as he flipped backwards onto table.

At that very moment, he noticed Iris behind him watching with a slight awe as team flash were teleported back. Joe then came in with a samaroid head, a katana right through its eye. Barry then used his speed to track down the the thinker and found he had been cuffed by Ralph himself.

Savitar and Frost embraced each other tightly, rubbing each others backs soothingly unbeknownst to them that this was about to be the last embrace they'd share for quite some time. The monitors reactivated showing Barry on the floor with Devoe in Edwins's body, taking Ralph's body for his own.

Savitar ran both Frost and Vibe to the speed lab just as vibe fired right at him before he got shot with the same blast due to him using Edwin's ability. Frost walked over to him, icicle in hand ready to stab him just as he uttered the words "melt" causing her to change back into Caitlin as he sent her flying to the other side of the room. Savitar cracked his knuckles lightly as he used his speed to charge right at him before being stopped in tracks by him using Null's ability to make him feel as if he was carrying a station wagon. Just then Savitar began to feel a sharp pain in his mind as if someone was prying it apart from the inside out. He screamed aloud just as Devoe turned his fist in some sort of mallet, striking him right on top of the head, making Savitar collapse to the ground, coughing up blood, still feeling Devoe in his mind, slowly breaking it down as he began to also beat him with his mallet shaped fist, causing Savitar's entire ribcage to break on impact, damaging his lungs. A few hits later and Savitar laid unconscious in a puddle of his own blood. He had never been beaten to this extent by anyone, he couldn't continue on...not anymore.

A few hours passed and the rest of team flash regained their composure except for Savitar who was still unconscious, hooked up to a heart monitor. He was in a coma and no one knew if he was going to ever wake up again.

Caitlin who had just lost Frost due to Devoe was heartbroken, she had not only lost the only person she had a sisterly connection to, she had also lost her lover, her everything. She vowed from the moment he was hooked up to all the machines that she would never leave his side.

The team had lost, and there was no one to stop Devoe, not anymore.

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