Chapter 16 - Fallout

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There everyone stood in the cortex, talking over the situation at hand. Barry had been falsely accused of murdering Devoe, why didn't Savitar see this coming..he should've remembered. "Even if you are convicted its not like any prison can hold you" Cisco beamed with a smile, this made Barry fall silent.

"He isn't going to run you guys, he knows if he runs, he'll put everything on the line, it will just show everyone in Central City he's guilty" Savitar told them with folded arms as everyone looked down, faces filled with sadness but still the slightest glimpse of hope swam in their eyes "we're not going to let that happen" Joe said sternly as everyone nodded.

Savitar went with Cait into her lab to talk the whole situation over and just have their time that they have together. "This whole mess was caused by us, we brought him out the speed force and did exactly what Devoe wanted, how could we ever forgive ourselves?" Cait rambled on in a frantic manner, struggling to remain calm due to everything that has occurred. "Cait can't blame this on you or me, it's got nothing to do with us. Devoe planned this, he pulled every string with such grace that we can't see the big picture" he told her as he placed his hands on her shoulders. She glanced up at him with sadness deep within her eyes "what if he won't get out?" She asked in a choked sob. Savitar seeing her like this couldn't bare the sight and held her closely as he softly spoke "he will, I promise...i-i can't remember how but he will." He told her as she nuzzled into his chest "promise me your not gonna leave me...I...don't know what I'd do without you" she stuttered out as Savitar only tightened his grip on her. "Never." He softly kissed her forehead as she smiled, it was them till the end.

They all made their way to the courthouse to be there for Barry, Savitar remained in the back trying to keep his head down as he was lightly growling at what the prosecutor was saying, he was tightly clenching his jaw shut at the disgusting lies that were coming out of the guys mouth. He couldn't just stand by and let Barry be falsely accused of this but he couldn't bring anymore attention to himself. He glanced over at Caitlin who was sitting by Iris and Joe, struggling to keep in the tears. With that, his last restraint was finally broken "Your talking out of your ass!" He bellowed out, causing everyone to stare over to him "excuse me! Who the hell are you?" The judge called out to him, staring daggers right at him "My name is Sebastian Allen and I will not stand by when my brother is being falsely accused! Everyone in the jury, you know Barry Allen, he's worked in the forensics department ever since I could remember, he's solved cases that the most incompetent officers on the force couldn't, why would he tarnish his whole career just to kill some science te-" he was abruptly cut off by two guards, dragging him out of the courthouse and throwing him down the stairs to the street below, he growled intently before brushing himself off, walking back to the cortex. He took out a cigarette for himself and started smoking it, enjoying the burning feeling it put in his throat. As he was walking away, someone had bumped into him mumbling a small "I'm sorry man" before walking away. Savitar suddenly began to feel weak, as if something was choking him and making him want to throw up, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Savitar stared followed the man to an empty street, watching him start to collapse to his knees, growling in pain. Savitar vibrates his body and vocal cords, walking behind him "hey! You need to calm yourself down" he called to him as he started to feel weak again, radiation. "Please...I don't want to hurt anyone" he told him with fear in his eyes "I understand but your radiation rads are becoming dangerously high" he told him, clutching his chest in pain. "I can't stop it!" The man called out before shooting him with a blast of his radiation, sending him back over a car giving him a mild concussion just as Barry arrived.

He could hear everything but was struggling to stand, he noticed frost arrive too as she started to cool down fallout. It backfired horribly causing him to fire another blast right towards her, sending her towards a bus shelter. Savitar with all of his might sped over to her clutching onto her tightly taking the full force of the glass. She grinned down at him as he returned a smirk before completely blacking out.

Savitar awoke a whole day later, to the sound of nothing, no one was there, no Caitlin, no Barry. No one. Cisco came in to check on him with a saddened look in his eye "Cisco...where is everyone?....w-where's Caitlin?" He asked, struggling to talk still. Cisco glanced down slowly before muttering out a barely audible "Barry...he's been sentenced as guilty....and as for Cait...she's home...she doesn't want to see you" he told him, clutching onto the tablet with Savitar's medical condition. Savitar was taken aback at the news, immediately brushing off what happened to Barry "w-wait hang on...she doesn't want to see me? Why the hell not?" He asked quickly, his throat hurting more and more. "Look she just doesn't want you to die...she can't lose another lover from them being a hero." He revealed to Savitar, his voice straining slightly. Without warning Savitar shot up, before struggling more, relaxing back onto the bed "...I...I understand Cisco...tell her I'm sorry....for everything I've done..." he sighed out, using his super speed to run back to the Madagascar and more specifically, his temple.

He fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands letting out everything he had bottled inside him for so many years, he couldn't handle the pain any longer. The tears came rushing down, Savitar never wanted her to feel worried about him, he's not worth worrying about. Savitar glanced over at the still glowing stone, walking over to it and throwing it aggressively at the wall with a large yell, cracking the stone slightly.

"Please...take away every single pain"

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