Chapter 2 - The Struggle

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Savitar POV
I was so close to my god damn close and Barry took it all away from me..."I'm gonna kill him, he needs to DIE!" I yelled whilst I came to a stop in my run, punching a wall, hearing a loud crack. I fell to my knees breathing heavily and sharply as if there was something off with my speed "w-what...the hell!?" I looked at my vibrating hand that was now uncontrolled and switching between a fast speed and normal speed. I knew something was wrong now and I didn't like it one bit, I got up from the ground and attempted running down the street, the remnants of my lightning slashed the street lights and cars, setting them off and blowing their bulbs, I suddenly felt an unrelenting pain deep within my chest as I collapsed and rolled onto the ground, holding my chest in anguish. I groaned out in exhaustion and slowly got up from the ground, limping to a dark closed off alley way "well well, look what we have here" a man in his 30s said to another man that looked around my age "you lost pal, if not then get lost" the man in his 40s told me bluntly as I turned around "don't even try anything with me alright, I've had enough for one night" I told them through gritted teeth "awe now he doesn't look very happy does he..." he grinned, pulling out a knife that hasn't been cleaned since when he first got it "let's fix that" the man said as he swung towards him. I smirked wide as I super sped away from the attack "w-what the hell...I didn't sign up to fight the fla-..." the man couldn't finish his sentence before I snapped his neck instantly, the younger man tries running out and that's when I used my speed to appear in front of him and held him by his throat up and against a wall " close" I pulled out my blade "yet so far" I thrusted my wrist blade deep into his gut as he screamed out in pain, I used too much force when holding him up and accidentally snapped his neck "whoops" I said quietly, throwing him to the floor. I crouched down and stole their money, finding at least $30 between the two. I walked out of the ally way and down the street till I came across a pub, not caring about what it was called and stepped inside. I was met with the sounds of cheap rock music, a gut wrenching smell and low life thugs "this is an alright place I guess..." I sat by the counter on a bar stool, ordering a plain Vodka since I didn't get buzzed anyway. "So this is where the great Savitar is now...why do I even bother" I whispered angrily to myself as I drank my Vodka, feeling the burning fluid slide down my throat.

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