Chapter 20 - No More God

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It has been a whole three months since Savitar was put into a coma by Devoe and since then Team Flash managed to overcome and defeat him, returning Ralph back into his body.

Caitlin reunited with her father and during their confrontation, brought Frost back from her dormant state.

Team flash also became acquainted with the girl they continued seeing around the city, Barry and Iris' future daughter Nora West-Allen.

Caitlin constantly remained by Savitar's side until he was fully recovered which in turn wasn't seeming to change.

She slowly began to lose hope in ever getting him back which led to her putting Frost in control for awhile. Both women were upset at losing their

In the SpeedForce
Savitar on the other hand continued to roam through the speedforce aimlessly, attempting to find a way out and back into his own body. He eventually collapsed to his knees, clutching the pitch black floor below him "shocking isn't it? Seeing how the all mighty god has fallen" the speedforce mocked him, circling him slowly like a shark protecting its meal "please....I can't....I can't take anymore of this" he muttered out in a barely audible whisper.

The speedforce disguised as Caitlin crouched down next to him, biting her lower lip "there's only one way to release yourself from this eternal must accept who you are" she told him gently, cupping his cheek as he held his eyes tightly shut, shaking his head " will remain imprisoned here" she answered, disappearing once again, leaving Savitar as the broken man he was once again.

Back at Botti Roofing Co
Flash, Frost, Ralph and a bunch of meta humans stood in the warehouse, facing the very man who has been killing them off slowly. Cicada. "Thank you Flash, for bringing them all to me!"

Ralph took the metas out to the back, preparing a way for them to escape through the helicopter as Flash and Frost began taking on Cicada.

He then used his dagger to propel them both back away from him. Cicada, fueled with rage threw his dagger straight towards Frost who had her back turned.

Frost heard the voice of Caitlin telling her to duck and did so but then, the was a soft groan from behind her. She turned to be faced with the god of speed himself Savitar, clutching onto the blade with all of his strength. Gritting his teeth he glanced back at Cicada who was growling intensely "who are you!?" He demanded in a low monotone growl.

"My Sebastian Allen, you can call me Savitar...because your about to find out w-why." He struggled out as he then dug the dagger into the wall, using his speed to knock him around the warehouse and just then Barry got involved and both speedsters began to tag team Cicada, kicking and uppercutting the man until he was struggling to breathe.

Savitar walked over to man, pinning him down by stomping his boot on his throat as Barry harnessed lightning around his clenched fist "your never..gonna hurt my daughter, again!" He growled out, ready to kill him just as Nora sped in, stopping him. Savitar looked over at the two before Cicada threw Savitar off of him, calling his knife to him and leaping out of the warehouse.

"Savitar?" He heard the voice of Frost before he heard the same voice, but much lighter in tone "Savitar?" He turned his attention to the young woman behind him, it was Caitlin holding her hands over her mouth "the very same" he sighed out, walking over to her and embracing her slim figure as she cried into his shoulder.

An hour later and the team discussed how Cicada knew of the meta human's locations and eventually discovered that an officer in the CCPD betrayed them and was eventually detained.

Currently Savitar and Caitlin were walking along the City prom, just taking in the sights and enjoying the other's company. "How did you even escape?" She asked him softly as he chuckled gently, glancing down to her "I guess...I found out who I was" he smiled softly, fiddling with something in his pocket.

"And who is that?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as he moved in front of her "Sebastian Allen, The speedforce prisoner...the man that loves Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost..." he mumbled before kneeling down in front of her.

"I'm not really used to this...I never have been...but I love you Cait, until you...I never knew what love was...then I woke up from my coma, the first one. Not this one." He chuckled softly "I saw you...and I thought you were the most beautiful woman I ever met" he slowly opened a tiny box in front of her, presenting the item "Caitlin Snow...Killer Frost...will you marry me?" He asked as Caitlin began to tear up, struggling to control her emotions as her eyes flickered from coco brown to an icy blue as he heard both woman say "Yes!" "Yes!" They told him as he let out a sigh of relief and joy,

He slowly slid the ring onto her finger and got up from the ground, passionately kissing her on the Central City prom. This moment was the happiest moment of their lives.

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