Chapter 12 - True Colours

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Savitar didn't tell anyone but he had returned a few days earlier than what he intended to and currently was at a fancy restaurant/ bar, it was quiet and everything he needed. That was until an unbelievable group of people strolled in ready to party, it was Iris, Cecile, Felicity and Caitlin...he couldn't believe it, he decided to just keep his head down and remain quiet as he continued ordering and thankfully the girls didn't realise he was there. It was fairly quiet except for Felicity mostly making the occasional noise or laugh, but just then Savitar saw someone he didn't expect to see. It was Norvok, one of Amunet's men. He walked over to the girl's table and told Caitlin in a cold gravely voice "Amunet wants you" he told her as he the rest of the girls apart from Caitlin were clueless to who he was "come on take it off" Felicity called out to him, as she said this however, Norvok let his glass eye drop out from its socket as a small creature lashed out at them. Savitar refused to let them get hurt while he was there, he sped up to him and grabbing ahold of the small tentacle and wrapped it around his arm "not while I'm here you don't" Savitar told him coldly as he lifted him up and threw him with ease out of the window, only for him to get up a second later but then be blasted away by a sudden cold blast. "Ugh..I hate pink" he heard the cold voice of Frost behind him, he turned his head, smirking as he saw her pick up a full bottle of wine and take a large swig of it. Savitar turned around, his smirk widening "why hello there Frosty" he taunted as Frost merely pushed by him, not giving him the satisfaction "Star Labs it is then" he groaned to himself as he ran Iris, Frost, Cecile and Felicity there. "Ok hang on who was that medusa man?" Cecile asked shakily "we all know that ain't a Cisco approved name" Felicity added as they all made there way to the Caitlin's lab. Frost groaned softly "Caitlin's clothing is only matched by her taste in her men, both terrible" frost added as she took out a black suit case and opened it "your friend here was about to go out of town tonight, she got herself into something she couldn't handle" she told them all "so where are you going?" Savitar asked her, his arms folded as he leant up against the back wall "to find Norvok's boss and to kill her" she answered him as she was unbuttoning the back of Caitlin's top. "And you need a change of clothes because woah! Woah ok" Felicity exclaimed as herself, Iris and Cecile turned around except for Savitar who remained still, watching her and smirking at the familiar sight of her bare chest. As the girls left Savitar got up and made his way closer to her "I'm coming with you Frost" Savitar told her as she stripped completely, taking out a black pair of jeggings, black tank top and a light blue zipped up jacket and getting changed into them "I don't need your help" she answered coldly "I know you don't, but I'm the next person who knows just enough about her and she still thinks I work for her so believe me...I'm coming and you ain't stopping me" he answered, his old tone coming back and she simply rolled her eyes "come on then big guy" she teased as they walked out to the girls speaking about Frost "what are you talking about?" She asked carelessly and just then Felicity started to ramble on like she always does as Savitar and Frost simply chuckled and left.

Savitar had ran them both to Amunet's club and walked through the back entrance in Hope's they wouldn't draw attention to themselves. As they walked in, a man was about to touch Frost until Savitar grabbed him by the throat and Frost began to freeze his arm "I'm sorry I thought touching without permission is what you wanted" she told him coldly as they both let him drop to the floor and continued on, wading there way through the people, the music blasting throughout the club painless to them. "I'd let us pass unless you want to know how it feels to have a twelve inch blade rammed down your throat" Savitar threatened the bouncer "step aside let them in, let them in" a feminine voice called out to them from behind the bouncer, they brushed past him and began making there way to Amunet. Savitar clenched his fist tightly as he refused to let his anger get to him, which in turn he saw was a bad move. " time you want to talk, come yourself don't send your eye hole to attack me" Frost said coldly, Amunet turned back to Norvok "did you start a fight? Honestly Norvok that's why your my third favourite henchman, I mean what do I always say?" She asked him but Savitar and Frost replied in unison "never start a fight you can't finish" she turned back to them both "and that's why your both my favourites" she told them both, winking at Savitar. This enraged him even more and was growing tired of this conversation but without realising Frost and Amunet had started another conversation and was now taking them into a back room of sorts. In the middle of the room was a strung up man, frail and malnourished, he looked as tho he had been beaten for four straight weeks, dispite this Savitar still felt no compassion for him "I call him the weeper, I just love naming metas" Amunet told them as she presented him as some sort of gift. "we know someone else like that" Frost told her, Savitar walked around the room, letting Frost do her thing and as doing so he spotted Iris hiding and he glanced back behind him and back towards her, walking back to Frost "you know what everyone's problem in business is?...not realising who has the power in the room" Amunet told them coldly as the bag by her side began to rattle as this happened Frost readied herself and Savitar's blades projected out from his gauntlets, practically touching the floor.  "Woah woah woah woah guys hey let's put the meta abilities away...this chick is trying to prevent a meta fight from destroying your very enchanting club...let's go" Iris told them as Savitar slowly vibrated his hand "Now!" She demands as Frost and Savitar reluctantly stop what they're doing and walk away.

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