Chapter 25 - Snowpack

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A few more days proceed to pass by as Savitar continued to process everything he had learned, she was pregnant? No she can't be, they were extremely careful. Savitar felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it however he remained calm and collected whilst he was around everyone else including Caitlin.

Savitar racked his brain constantly around this new cicada that popped up to distract himself from the pregnancy however he did help whenever he could, Caitlin slowly brought out Frost in small bursts so it doesn't interfere with the pregnancy. Both Savitar and Caitlin decided to keep the pregnancy a secret for the time being as to not worry the rest of team flash.

Whilst they had their issues with finding out about the pregnancy, another Cicada showed up and kidnapping a newly cured Dwyer which left everyone on edge especially after the news that Sherloque Wells discovered about Nora working with Eobard Thawne in the future and this had created a rift between Barry, Iris and even Savitar. He wanted to be left alone for awhile as he hated Thawne just as much as Barry however he had the killer instinct that Barry never had.

Savitar slowly approached the Cortex as Joe got a call about a kidnapping which caused Barry and Joe to make their way down to the hospital which Grace was at and that left Savitar alone with Caitlin once again as the two of them made their way into the medical bay. " have you been feeling today?" He asked softly as she sat herself down "well you know, the best a pregnant woman can be in their current state" she teased as Savitar gently took ahold of her hands "you Caitlin Snow gonna be a fantastic mother" he smiled genuinely down at her as she smiled back "thank you...I definitely needed this, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here" she explained as Savitar knelt down to her level and kissed her knuckles "well the team would probably of known by now or you wouldn't be pregnant" he chuckled softly as he held her close.

A passed as Caitlin went to help Barry and Joe with the kidnapped Grace as Savitar trained his speed and strength in the lab, white flashes of lightning shined the room with his godly power before his phone began ringing, he sped over to it and answered it, it was Caitlin. "Hey Cait, what's up?" He smirked to himself before Caitlin's voice came through "hey so um, my mother's lab was broken into by...Icicle...I thought we could use your help...and it would allow us to see my mother, we haven't exactly told her about us" she spoke gently as Savitar nodded to himself "uh..yea um give me a few minutes and I'll meet you there" he told her before hanging up and getting dressed in his black work jeans, roughed up t shirt and his signature black jean jacket before running down to meet them there. He slowly walked into the building as he heard Caitlin explaining to Barry and Joe about a device that was stolen "hey, what happened?" He spoke rasply "excuse me, I don't think you should be here" Carla suddenly spoke before Caitlin jumped in "hey calm down, he's with us he's...well he's Barry Allen's brother...and my husband...Sa-Sebastian" she told her, standing her ground between them "hold on what?? Husband??" She exclaimed before Joe butted in "you...never told her?" Caitlin just shot an unimpressed look towards his direction "yes I mean it wasn't even that big of a ceremony, we just wanted to keep it low and quiet" Savitar spoke up attempting to calm the situation "right, well nice to see you anyway...I guess this would happen when your daughter never tells you anything" she spoke frustratingly before Caitlin rolled her eyes "anyway as I was saying, I think we can track the nano-cryoparticles inside the atomizer. We just have to reprogram an oscillating inversion scanner, do you mind running to the downstairs storage area and grabbing it?" She asked Barry as he nodded gently "wait. You should use a modified field array, there's one in the upstairs archives." Carla butted in as Savitar rolled his eyes to himself, Carla and Caitlin continued going back and forth before Savitar jumped in "how about Barry you go downstairs and I'll take the upstairs, fair? C'mon" he slowly walked over to him as they both walked out "thank you" "your welcome, my god" they whispered to each other, chuckling gently.

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