Prologue to Season Five

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Savitar awoke, seeing an old familiar room surrounding him. It was Caitlin's bedroom, exactly the way he remembered it. Savitar stood in the centre of it not sure how he even got there, it was at that moment when he saw a figure sitting on the couch looking up at him. He Immediately extended his blade to the figure demanding to know who they are. It was then when the figure showed themselves, It was Caitlin.

Savitar stared her down as she simply sighed with a smile "you know who I am don't you?" She stated, looking up at him with the same look Caitlin would give him. This however was not Caitlin.

Savitar choked the figure and pinned her up against the wall, growling ever so slightly "don't you dare use her form to get to me." He told the woman as she struggled against his grasp "You are what runs through my body, your the speed force" he finally ended as she disappeared and reappeared behind him.

"Right you are Savitar" she answered as he began walking threateningly towards her then with a flick of her wrist, he was frozen in place. "This is my realm Savitar, you have little to no power here against me" she told him as  he struggled against the restraint "why bring me here? He growled lightly as she walked over to him, caressing his scarred face.

"I could've left you in that comatose mind if I wanted to, i just thought you should be told" she told him as he watched her with so much intensity filling his eyes "tell me what?" He clenched his fists tightly suddenly being released of his restraints "in two years time, a crisis will arise and its gonna take everything you have to prevent it and I am sorry...but you will be broken by the end of everything." She finished as Savitar's eyes widened, looking over at her "what happens?" He asked gently as his mind raced with the thoughts of Caitlin and their moments "everything dies, the whole multiverse...your family" she told him as he looked up at her instantly.

"Wait! Hang on. What? Family? I...I don't have a family." He exclaimed as the speed force Caitlin chuckled softly "so much knowledge inside that twisted mind and yet you can't see what's right in front of you" she said as suddenly, there was nothing.

Savitar was only in utter blackness, with only the speed force voice running through his mind 'a crisis will arise' what did she mean? She wouldn't of lied to him. So why wouldn't she just tell him everything.

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