Chapter 27 - Natalie Snow Allen

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Savitar was left in a state of confusion, exhaustion and was very very angry "Dad? What the hell are you talking about?" He asked as he slowly backed away, his metal suit of armour slowly began to retract fully, revealing his entire body to her "Well it's as I said, Your my- ohhh you mean how..right well I'm Natalie Snow Allen, I'm your daughter" the young girl spoke softly as Savitar took a glance to the side thinking deeply to himself "so your...what? From the future?" He asked seriously as he still couldn't look at her "pretty much...need more proof? How about this?" She asked before going to touch him however he quickly brushed it away "I just...why not tell me sooner? Why wait till now!?" He exclaimed getting angrier and angrier by the second "dad calm down, I know its alot but please-" she explained before she was cut off by Savitar "don't call me dad!" He yelled before speeding off as quickly as he possibly could before she could follow after him.

Back at Caitlin's apartment she remained on her bed, catching up on lost work and ensuring she was looking after hers and Savitar's child. She slowly got up to make herself a cup of decaf Coffee, she suddenly heard the sounds of speedsters lightning and the whoosh of the wind "oh Savitar, thank god your back, I've been worried-" she spoke softly before turning around to see Natalie standing there with slight tears in her eyes as she stood opposite from her "" She cried out as she fell into her mother's arms not caring about the timeline and just broke down "w..who are...who are you?" Caitlin mumbled softly however something inside her felt a deep connection with Natalie and soon she started to embrace her "o..oh yeah...I'm um...I'm well I'm your daughter.." she mumbled softly into Caitlin's shoulder.

Caitlin's eyes snapped open as she slowly placed one of her hands upon her stomach " daughter...?" She mumbles to herself before slowly pulling away "and your dad is.." "yes he is" Natalie cut her off as she sighed to herself "he sped off after I told him, he looked angry mom...I think he's going to get himself killed" Natalie told Caitlin in a worried tone "we'll find him we always do, it's good thing we had a tracker built into his suit" she added as she went to her computer and searched for his coordinates "that's strange...he's in the local scrapyard not far from here..why would he go there?" Caitlin thought to herself as Natalie knew the second Caitlin mentioned it "that's where he made the basic components of his suit" she chimed in with a slight eye roll and a scoff "can't believe he still thinks about that place" Natalie muttered to herself before shedding a single tear as she smiled "let's go get him back and...then we're going have a nice long chat" Caitlin told her sternly as Frost came to the surface.

Seconds passed Caitlin and Natalie showed up at the scrapyard to an unnerving amount of silence "it's too quiet...where could he be?" Caitlin asked as she tightened up her body before a sudden burst of pure white lightning blew up into the sky emitting A loud thundering sound "there he is" Natalie sighed to herself in a frustrated tone as Caitlin scoffed jokingly as she turned back to her daughter "you really are his kid" Caitlin rolled her eyes playfully before making her way to Savitar's location "Savi?" She called out as they both passed the corner revealing Savitar shirtless and heavily breathing "what do you want?" he asked in an annoyed tone as Natalie came out from behind her mother "why have you brought her here?! She's not our kid she can't be! It has to be bar-" he was cut off by Natalie speeding over to him and grabbing ahold of his arm roughly, twisting it around and using her other power to freeze his arm over as she stared up at him with her eyes now glowing bright like Frost's "trust me...I'm not Barry's kid, I mean for Christ sake look at my damn jacket!" She screamed as Caitlin continued watching in surprise and amazement however she was also worried for them both, Savitar growled in pain as he winced at this and slowly looked down at what she was wearing, it was a black jacket that looked familiar, too familiar "is that?.." he muttered to himself as she pulled away, calming herself down "it's your gave it to me when I was first learning to use my were the one person I related to the most...I just thought I'd come back and see my parents in their youth.." she told him as her voice broke softly as Savitar quickly vibrated his arm and without thinking quickly caught her in his arms and held her tight.

Savitar sighed shakily as he held Natalie in his arms and soon felt something different inside him, the speedforce inside him felt some deeper connection with her. " really are our daughter..." He muttered to himself as he held her closely against his body "let's go home and...I will explain everything" Natalie told him softly as he slowly nodded and let go, pulling on his jacket and running them both to Star Labs, sitting them down in the cortex.

"Explain.." Savitar grumbled out as Natalie puffed out slightly "okay...well you know I'm from the future, if that is me in there that makes me 27 years old, I've come from the year 2045 just to see you both in your primes" she explained as Savitar scoffed softly "if I'm your father I must've told you it's dangerous to meddle with the timeline" he told her which caused Natalie to glance down at her feet "yeah you did" she blurted out like an idiot "did? What happened to me?" He growled out hearing this causing Caitlin to hold onto his hand to calm him down "I don't know.. after the years you started taking long absences, no one knows where you go or where you have been" she explained which caused Savitar to turn away slightly thinking more about it which gave Caitlin the chance to talk to Natalie in private.

Savitar on the other hand, sat himself on the chair and chuckles to himself with slight tears in his eyes "what are you doing dad?"  Natalie came up beside him "just thinking how much I must've missed out on your life...well no more...I'm not having you grow up without a father" he told her as she immediately wrapped her arms around him as they slowly embraced one another in the cortex as Caitlin watched on, gently rubbing her stomach knowing what their daughter will become.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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