Chapter 4 - The Return Part 1

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Savitar POV
I haven't seen any of team flash since my encounter with Caitlin, which somehow left my feelings all twisted up inside me and I have no idea why. Since I ran out, I had no other place to hide so I still went to the same old bar but just stayed clear from Caitlin or just ignored her whenever she came over to me. I drank my Vodka as I heard the familiar and quirky voice of Cisco Ramon talking to Caitlin behind the bar, I noticed they were coming my way so I ducked my head down "why didn't you tell us that you were back, we missed you" I had enough of listening and lifted my head to look him in the eye "because she's her own person and doesn't have to inform everyone everything in her life" I growled lightly shooting a sharp look towards him. He screamed loudly before realising what he did and told the whole bar sorry, typical of him. "Caitlin, it's Savitar...Savitar is here, why is he here?" He questioned quickly not giving her a chance to answer till he was out of breath, Caitlin and I both rolled our eyes as I drank my Vodka and she explained everything she knew "Savitar is stuck here, almost as if he's trapped...from what I've seen he's behaved himself but with him, anything can change." She shot a glance at me as I shrugged "anyway I've come here to talk to you about something...we discovered a way to bring Barry back." As Cisco said this, mine and Caitlin's heads shot up to look at him "Cisco are you sure we know what happened last time" Caitlin said worryingly "...the speed force cannon, you've found a way to make it look like Barry is still in there" I explained as I remembered what they did when I was Barry a long time ago "y-yeah and by the fact your out, it must've worked" Cisco said hopeful "...fine...yes it does work, but at a cost..." I explained partially "what cost?" Cisco and Caitlin asked in unison "when I was trapped in the speed force for so many years, I lost my mind several times over...but with Barry he may have been in there for six months for you...but to him it is like a just in case, I'm gonna come with you" I explained getting off my stool "woah woah woah, no your not, Barry is not in the best of shape of mind and you could backs-" "well trust me, something is gonna go wrong and it's best for you if I'm with you" I cut him off, looking towards Caitlin "let's bring a safety precaution, but if you screw it up in anyway...we're gonna send you to the place you should have gone six months ago" Caitlin explained threateningly "...fine, now come on before Barry looses his mind more as Savitar puts it" Cisco said, downing his drink and moving fast to the exit, myself and Caitlin looked over at each other and nodded before rushing after him.

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