Chapter 24 - It Can't Be

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Savitar simply remained in that same position staring down at the pregnancy test that had been left there by Cait for him to see, Savitar felt sick to his stomach as he heard the front door close to their apartment as he refused to turn around "how long have you known?" He grumbled out in a low tone  as Caitlin shuffled closer over to him, being careful not to disturb him. "I didn't mean to-" she struggled out before he snapped towards her "how long?!" This caused Cait to jump back at his tone, sitting down across from him "you think this hasn't changed me too? I'm terrified Sebastian! And all your worried about is how long I've known!" She snapped over at him, her eyes turning a crystal blue. Savitar was aghast, Cait only used his other name when she was truly serious, he really screwed up this time.

Savitar rubbed his temple slightly "look I...this just couldn't of happened, we were careful" he spoke gently, hoping to calm her down which seemed to work slightly, noticing her blue eyes subside, returning to their coco brown "well it did happen and we're gonna have to live with it ok?" She replied as Savitar inhaled sharply before relaxing his muscles "yeah, we will won't we.." he sighed gently, staggering as he spoke "I'm just gonna get some fresh air" he told her as he made his way to the front door "b-but Sa-" she began to speak before he cut her off quickly "I'll be back soon ok, I promise" he told her before speeding out of the house, leaving Cait with her thoughts and the baby to think of.

Over in Gotham City
Savitar sat on the edge of the GCPD building, attempting to gather his thoughts as he found it hard and almost painful to breathe. Thats when he heard someone land behind him with the sound of a flowing cape in the wind, Savitar already knew who this was "I was wondering when you would show up Kate" he called out as he heard her chuckle softly "well I wasn't expecting any visitors in my City, especially from an old friend."

"Friends huh? Alright, I'll let you have the privilege of being my friend I guess" he teased gently as she sat beside him, removing her mask "alright Sebastian, what are you really doing here?" She asked, letting out a steady breath as Savitar tensed slightly "..." he remained silent, not being able to say an single word "come on you can tell me, you don't need to keep this bad boy persona around me" she teased as he growled lightly "Caitlin's pregnant" he mumbled lowly as Kate arched her brow over to him "well congratulations?" She asked him as she was confused on why he wasn't with her "I mean...yeah I guess I just didn't...I didn't expect it to happen so soon you know? I know what I did to them nearly two years...I just feel like I'm still a monster.." he rambled on Kate rolled his eyes slightly "that's such bullshit Sebastian and you know for a fact it is, I can tell and everyone else can see what Cait has changed you into and believe me, it's a milestone from who you were, If your having doubts about this baby then fine no one can change them doubts until you see your child in person, but don't let Cait go through this can't do that to her" Kate told him in a completely sincere tone, she must've serious.

Savitar inhaled slowly before chucking to himself "your right...I cant let Cait do this by herself, I need to at least be there for her " he go up with her as she chuckled "bring it in" she teased as Savitar attempting to escape but couldn't as he rolled his eyes "in fact...would you care to be the kid's Godmother?" He asked as Kate thought carefully about it before beaming gently "I'd be happy to Sebastian, now go to her" she told him as Savitar nodded down at her before speeding away back over to Central City.

Central City, Caitlin's apartment
Savitar slowly made his way to the apartment hoping to see Caitlin still awake but unfortunately she was already passed out on the sofa, Savitar gently caressed her temple kneeling beside her "Hey Caitlin, it's me...I know I was out slightly longer than what i was expecting but....I was scared...scared of what this kid would've done to us, I was scared that it would've strained our relationship...I may not be ready for kid just yet matter what, I'll always be here for you...I'm not leaving you to do this by yourself" he spoke gently as he lifted her up in a bridal style, slowly taking her over to their bed.

Caitlin however was awake and heard everything that Savitar had said and listened carefully as Savitar laid her down, draping the covers over her "I just don't want anything to happen to the either of you...especially if its by my own hand..." he muttered softly as he removed his jacket, getting ready for bed "you can never hurt us" she whispered over to him as he glanced back over to her "and if I do?...I can't hurt you...the kid...even Frost" he sighed softly, sliding into the bed with her as she took his hands gently "believe me, I don't think Frost would even give you the chance to hurt us" "your damn right I won't" Savitar heard Frost's voice take over but noticed she didn't turn completely as he watched her carefully "your not gonna change then?" He asked as she shook her head "I don't want to just in case it interferes with the pregnancy" Caitlin's voice spoke lightly as Savitar held her closely "no matter what...I'm not letting anything to you...any of you" he told her as Caitlin smiled softly "that's all I want baby" she answered him as she snuggled into his side "goodnight love, sweet dreams" Savitar lightly kissed her temple as they soon drifted off into sleep.

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