Chapter 5 - The Return Part 2

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The three of them waited at the landing strip for Joe and Wally as Savitar walked around remembering his past as Barry...this was the first place he ever learned how to run and when he learnt of why Caitlin was so cold, and now look at him...abandoned abandoned alone by the people he saw as family and friends. "What are we doing here Cisco?" Savitar heard Joe's voice as he was snapped out of his daze like trance "we are bringing Barry back" Cisco exasperated, Savitar and Caitlin both heard Joe sigh "Cisco, Iris said..." "I was trusted to keep the team together, so trust me on this" Cisco cut him off. Joe sighed out defeated "ok what do we do?" Joe asked as Savitar and Caitlin stepped out behind them cautiously "I needed some help" he pointed behind them, they turned around instantly as Joe took out his gun and aimed it at them "Cisco are you insane!" Cisco stood in between them "they're here to help, Savitar was Barry, he remembers being taken out the speed force and Caitlin is not that same woman you saw six months ago!" Caitlin stepped towards him, reassuringly "Its true Joe, I'm not that same woman and I completely understand if you'd never want to forgive me after everything I've done to you Cecile" Caitlin explained, quietly, looking down. Joe smiled softly "come here..." he extended out his arms for a hug as they exchanged the soft embrace "let's go get Barry back" he said calmly, Caitlin nodded as Joe looked at Savitar "we're not done!" He grumbled out, as Savitar smirked smugly. A few minutes passed as Wallie placed down the cork sphere and the area around us began to get heavier "I've got a lock on something!"Caitlin called out to Savitar's surprise "Its's him!" Cisco cheered "Now Cisco!" Caitlin shouted as Cisco used the speed force bazooka and...nothing happened. Savitar let out a steady breath as he sped away and the rest of the team stood there in absolute disappointment.

In downtown, Central City
Everyone was walking around like it was an average day, until an open gateway appears holding back a familiar speed force lightning as Savitar skidded onto the scene watching in disgust "dammit" he muttered as something with so much force ran past him, knocking him backwards. Savitar knew who this was and couldn't let him get away so he ran back after him, noticing straight away that Barry in his time imprisoned, had gained a substantial increase in speed and power, at first Savitar thought he couldn't keep up until he remembered that he's had that same boost, hundreds of times before and bolted after him, they both got constant blows on each but their scuffle eventually led them to a farm yard as Savitar took him to the ground and forcibly choked him making Barry pass out of exhaustion. Savitar breathed in and out deeply, taking him immediately to star labs.

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