1: got the job

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"This is your first job I am led to presume?" A man who looks like he was ment to retire long ago interviews me. He has gray hair and and is wearing what you'd expect an old Butler wear. He looks exhausted and run down. His eye bags started becoming more apparent to me. It seems that I've bitten off more than I can chew.

"Yes it is." We are sat down in a dining room in the biggest house I've ever seen imaginable, it was also in the middle of nowhere so that was a big red flag in my books. Bur I couldn't complain, this was the first job that got back to me.im almost homeless. Complaing doesn't come into the description.

"Well its a reletivly easy job. You are to do what your master is asking of you and be ready for anything. I will be with you for the first couple of days but after I feel you have adequate performance you will be on your own. You will call me boss and you will call sir Betov Master unless introducing someone." He explains. The nerves have started to get to me.i had very little knowledge of "Sir Betov", also known as William Betov. Only that his family makes electronics and own one of the biggest mines in the area. It's said that they built this house by themselves. And they never go into town for anything so they must have everything they need here.

"Some rules you will need to follow,come with me." The old man "boss" gets up and begins to walk out of the room, I assume to show me around.
"These rooms are those who live here. Your masters family, maids and other butlers. You will not enter these rooms unless instructed to." we walk down a wide hallway, red straight carpet lining the middle and dark oak wall trimmings framing the details in the walls. Every now and then there will be a painting of a person, old man. A young man a family portrait. It'll be different every time. I had a feeling I would get lost in this place.

"You will to live in this house, always remember where you live, too many mistakes and master may throw you out. He is not known for being very nice." My heart was pounding in my throat. "Dont worry though. I will only leave when I know you're ready to handle it by your self." This was all going too fast.

"Next we are going to meet master. Yoy will introduce yourself in the most respectful manner. You will not shake his hand you will bow to him and say your name. He will not remember it. It will simply just be respectful." We continue down the hall, I recite my introduction in my head as many times as I can.

Knock knock knock Boss stops infront of a door at the end of the hallway. I think I could remember where this was. Hopefully.

"Come in." An ultimately dominant voice rings from the safe holding of the oak door. Boss opens the door and walk in, I timidly walk in beside him.

"Hello master." He bows one hand on heart. "As I am retiring soon I have made it my mission to find you a more suitable Butler for you." He looked at me to introduce myself. Through all my efforts to stay calm and respectable my voice breaks as my introduction began.

"Hello Master my name is George, I will do my best in serving you." However it went better than I expected.

"You seem a bit younger to be a Butler, do you have any experience?" William asks.

"Well no sir." My hands were shaking. I was afraid that he would reject me for my lack of experience.

"How old are you?" I look up at him. He looks so handsome. He leans back in his chair, this seemed to be an office of sorts. He had dark oak curly hair. His skin was was a clear ebony colour, his eyes, a soft green, you wouldn't think he was that intimidating. However his aura, his vibe. It gave off a feeling of, fuck with me and I could tear your head off with no questions asked.

"W-well, I'm 21... sir." Having this old timey respect is something I'm gonna have to get used to.

"Thats really young. What if I don't want him Reggie?" He asks. My heart felt a pang of fear. A pang of rejection.

"He is the only one that accepted the ad. No one wants to move out here, away from their family's sir. He is the only one that can do it master." He had no fear whatsoever. He was used to this man's cold demeanour.

"What about you. Why are you so quick to accept moving away?" I tried to gulp down the nerves.

"U-um I have nothing keeping me there. This was the best job I could get accepted to."

"No family?"

"None sir"

"Fine if he is the only one. I will accept it, you better train him will Regonald." he says dismissively, going back to his work.

"Yes master will do." William dismissed us.

"Good job young one. You will make a great Butler yet." We kept walking through the mansion. There were a few areas in which I was not allowed to go to under any circumstances. There was a beautiful courtyard and backyard that had an area that looked like it was made for children. I wonder if there are many children here.

"You like the area?" Masters voice came from behind me, making me jump out of my skin.

"Master?! Hi, how are you doing?" I grab at my heart turning around.

"Why are you out here. Reg has already moved on." He looked at me with an empty look in his eyes. He seemed like a hard one to read.

"I just spaced out for a second. Sorry master." I bowed at him and looked around for Boss or Regonald.

"He's gone to his quarters." He has a smirk on his face. "Do you know anything about this family?" I wanted out of this interaction.

"Only what the internet would give me. The mine and the technology and everything. Why sir?" He was slightly taller than me. Not by much but enough that I felt the need to look up at him.

"Your skin looks so soft. People like you. Never really come around here." He began to caress my cheek making them turn red. "You're a blusher." He comments. "Would you like me to show you to your room?" I nod my head. "Butlers use their words." He whispers in my ears making me blush even more

"Yes please sir." I say in a timid whisper. He grabs my hand and interlaces out fingers and takes me to my room. Up the stairs, to the left, to the right, all the way down second of the right before the turn. I attempted to remember.

"This one's yours." He opens the door. I stood in shock as to how large the room was. Enough for a king sized bed, a lounge and a whole ass book shelf and still have a very open area in the middle. It looked like it was all out of some fantasy book. This place was bigger than my apartment. And I would be living here for free.

"Mine is across the hall and as you know my office is at the end of the hall." He mentions as I'm looking around. He stands in the doorway arms crossed. His tight fitting suit, one youd immagine a ceo would wear. I go towards a door on the left hand side of the room.

"Thats your bathroom. Is all to your liking?" I open the door and it was massive. A whole ass jacuzzi was in there as a bath with a massive shower, one with TWO massive shower heads. There was a sauna on the side and three basins lined in a row of massive counter space. This all looks insane to me.

"To my liking?" I let out a breathy laugh. "I expected to be living under the stairs like in Harry potter or something holy shit." I curse at how massive the place is.

"I treat my men with the utmost respect. I expect you to yldo the same." Suddenly he was right behind me, my heart dropped. I didn't even hear him.

"I also expect you not to curse under my roof." I back up a little breath catching in my throat.

"Sorry sir." I lower my head, holding my hands infront of me.

"You're okay little Butler." He picks up my head with one finger. He has very sharp nails. I gulp down hard and look him in his eyes. "Its your first day, you'll learn. I'll be in my office. The room next you you is Reginald when I call for you he will come with you. What was your name again?" He asks.

"George sir, George Sullivan." I bow at him the same way Boss would.

"I'll see you around Georgie." He smiles and leaves closing the door behind him. I adventure the room more and look at all the books on the shelves awaiting instructions.

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