81: could they join?

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Will and Josh finished packing the bags, setting them up by our door. It didn't feel right moving away from my friends. Like, I know it isn't too far away, but it's far enough. The others, once awake and in the dining room, were made aware of the situation and what was happening. Delilah was instantly crying, having been my best friend since day one. Ezra was mad and offered to... 'Kill,' my mother. I don't think he could even if he REALLY wanted to. She is a demon, after all, as well as the fact Ezra couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried. Jules was quiet. More than usual. We had bonded quite a lot in the beginning, and even though I was gone for a while, she didn't seem to open up much to Delilah and Ezra. She's new in the covan even if it's only for a little while. I felt bad leaving her, but we can always meet up from time to time.

"Can't we come with you?" Ezra asked, he was sat on top of the table, much to Josh's dismay.

"Yeah! There's nothing keeping us from coming with you!" Delilah chirped up, wiping some of her tears away.

"There isn't much room in the cabin. It'll be squishy if you all join." Will states he's not wrong from the time that I was there there, wasn't much space. Maybe 2 rooms 1 bathroom and not a lot of furniture.

"I don't mind, I won't bring much." Will and Josh had a small conversation with their eyes that I couldn't figure out. They both gave the other caregivers a look, and it was slightly annoying, not knowing what they were saying.

"How about everyone comes over today, and if we can figure out how it will work, we caregivers will think about it." Josh says. The others were very excited jumping up and down. Ezra jumped off the table and hugged Will.

The others ran off to pack their things even just for a night. I had a very strange feeling in my stomach, a feeling that I didn't like. My eyes kept drifting to the door as Will, and Josh tried to figure out how it would work. Soon, that bad feeling came to light as my mother walked into the room. I've never known her name, and I don't plan on learning it. A glare settles on my face as she walks towards us. Josh and Will freeze sensing her presence.

"So you're leaving?" She asks, arms resting across her chest. I confirm with a hard nod.

"You'll become dangerous." She mentions, keeping her distance. "Your anger will only grow, George. It may seem manageable now, but it will get worse. "
I bite my lip. Will it? What if it does? What if I end up killing people? I don't want to do that.

"Whatll happen if I don't control it?" I ask, scratching at the skin besides my nails.

"Kill." She casually states, confirming my fear. She acts as if it's not the worst thing to happen, like taking a life means nothing.

"Emotions are easy to control, though. Why would I need to he with you to learn to control it?" I question, I've been controlling my anger so well so far. I was an angry child before, and I learned how to stop the anger from controlling me. What would be so different now? I would just have to find an outlet and have some impuls control. That's not too hard in theory, but I'll practice.

"I'm experienced, I know the techniques that work and those that don't, but if you truly believe that you can control it, then sure. Leave. I'll stay at the house if you ever change your mind." Wirh that she walks out of the room making space for the other to come barring in. All giving her dirty looks on their way.

"We're all packed! Let's go and get away from here. I'm sick of the inside." Ezra states, I get that. He's been outside almost his whole life, but since being here, he hasn't left.

Will lead the way to the cabin, I always forget how many people I've met since deciding to be his butler, the groups reliably large 4 littles 4 caregivers, I don't know where Victor went but he just hasn't been around, I assume he's gone back to his pack, hopefully the war will be over soon. That way, Ezra and him can finally get together, I'll have to talk to him about all that tonight.

"How much longerrrr." Ezra complained, dragging his feet. We've barely left. He was the one who wanted to go outside. Why is he complaining?

"Not long, but don't complain, or we will turn around." I snicker at the comment Josh made, such a dad response. I grabbed onto his arm and skipped ahead.

"What's the cabin like?" He asked in an obvious small voice. "Does it have a pretty front yard?" He asked.

"Well, it's a small house thing, and it's next to a waterfall in a small clearing. I thinks we can build houses in other parts so we don't have to live in the house, at least dats what me thinks."

"I like that idea, I can make pack tents when we're there, the temporary ones, out of leaves and sticks, it's not cold, so it should be fine." I remember back to the tent I stayed in when I first met Josh. I hum, giving him a nod. The rest of the walk was peaceful, Jules and Delilah were conversing, and Ezra and I were skipping in front, giggling over our ideas for a new pack covan. Soon enough, we came to a stop, the cabin next to the waterfall. Everyone had gone silent over the beautiful scenery. 

"Holy shit, this place is the bestest thing I've seen in ages!!" Ezra yells and begins running for the cabin. Josh was about to tell him off for swearing, but he was too far away. So he just sighed and kept walking with the others.

"This place is so cool!" Delilah say walking up next to me with Jules tailing along. They both hook their arms with me as we walked towards the building.

"It really is small, though. How are we gonna fit in there?" Jules points out.

"That's why we're here in the first place." Delilah smiles. We all stand at the front door waiting for will to come with the keys, Ezra couldn't stand still and began collecting sicks and leaves for a tent.

"Don't go too far, Ezra, wars still happening. We don't know if there's wolves in there." Josh warns. Ezra yelled out a reply that I couldn't decipher.

Will eventually made it to the door, unlocking it and opening it to everyone. The place was pretty much the same as before. Relatively empty with a fireplace and a lounge ingfront of it, it was cleaner, though. Will and Josh walked around opening the windows and curtains, allowing natural light to take over and give us a better view. There were two dogs to the left and one to the right, as well as an arch that opened up to the kitchen.

"This might work for a little," Charlie says, taking in the area, opening the doors. "Two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen. Delilah and I can sleep on the lounge. You three in one of the rooms, Rye and Jules in the other room, and Ezra, I don't know."

"Outside, outside, outside, outside." He chants, jumping up and down into the house.

"No, you can sleep in our room for now, either way, you have to go back to the pack when the wars over." Josh informs. Ezra and I deflate at that statement, and I run to him, hugging his side before he turns and hugs me back our faces mushed together.

"I don't wanna leave Georgie. Wanna stay." He pouts.

"You know that not up to me." He gives a sad look towards us as we give him puppy dog eyes. Ezra taught me how to make effective ones while I was in the pack.

"Stop using those, I can't make the decision. It's up to the alpha." He looks away.

"Your father, you can convince him, you know how much he doesn't trust us to leave, he won't let me but you can make him." Ezra pouts more, giving a few crocodile tears for effect.

"It's not that he doesn't trust you,it's that he doesn't trust the world. Or vampires for that manner. Let's just enjoy this little sleepover, and you can go back and ask him with Victor." He reasons, and Ezra gives a sigh.

"Fine. Maybe Victor will convince him for me." Ezra huffs, giving up on the conversation. The caregivers trot off preparing the sleeping arrangements while us littles sat down around the unlit fireplace, playing a little bit of pretend house, until dinner was made.

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