Chapter 4. Prove Yourself

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My feet step onto the blue padded mat in the center of the room. I feel slightly shaky and nervous, even if my face didn't actually show it. I was instructed by Price to enter the ring first with Gaz. I look at him, and flash him a smile.

"Don't start crying when I win." I taunt at him as he reciprocates my smile.

"I wouldn't be so full of yourself just yet, y/n." Gaz replies in a low sounding voice, he sounds almost cool.

Price interrupts our friendly banter. "First one to be pinned or taps out loses. You may begin now." he finishes.

I get into a fighting stance, my knees bent slightly. Gaz does the same, a smirk now on his face. We circle around each other for a small moment before I speak up, "What you waiting for? Me to invite you?"

Gaz just shakes his head, his smirk forming back into a smile, "You asked for this." he warned. Before I know it he's lunging at me. I try to dodge, but he punches me in the left side.

Fuck that hurts.

I stagger for a moment before trying to punch him back, but he blocks it with his back forearm before landing another blow onto my stomach. Before I could think, I tackle him, grabbing him by the waist, my head in his chest as we fall down. I get about two hits in his stomach as we do, but Gaz flips us over to where he's on top, he's about to punch me again but I tap out before he could land another blow. I'm not trying to get badly fucked up on the first match alone.

Fuck. I really have to do this two more times? My shoulder already fucking hurts, and now my stomach and side begin to ache as well.

Gaz gets off of me, holding out a hand with a smile, both of us panting. I take it and he grunts as he helps lift me up.

"Congrats Gaz, good try y/n." Price speaks up as he writes down on his clipboard. I know he's marking my defeat.

I walk off of the mat and sit down on some chairs leaned against the wall, Gaz walks over towards Price and stands with him. They talk together for a moment.

Price calls Ghost and Soap to the mat to fight, and I watch in amusement. It went exactly like I had pictured, Ghost being victorious, holding Soap in a headlock until he yelled uncle. Of course Ghost would win. Prick. I was rooting for Soap of course, but deep down I knew he'd lose to the lieutenant.

"Good try, Johnny." I hear Ghost say. He has a really nice accent, I'll admit. I look away.

Ghost and Soap step off the mat, and before Soap could even catch his breath, Price called him and Gaz. Poor Soap, just lost and now he has to go again. To be honest, I'm not quite so sure who will win this one.

As I sit and watch both of the boys step onto the mat, Ghost walks over to the chairs, sitting in the one right next to me. His chest was rising and falling, breathing slightly heavier, but not completely out of breath.

I notice three more chairs he could have sat in. So he literally chose to sit next to me, but he doesn't even say anything, he leans forward, his elbows on his knees as he looks straight ahead at the boys.

It's like he makes things awkward on purpose.

I hadn't realized I was staring at him for long, until he turns his head towards me. His eyes practically piercing through me. This makes my heart skip a beat.

"What?" Ghost questions, in a rude, deep, hushed tone.

Did he really have to be so rude? Is he just in a bad mood? Is he ALWAYS in a bad mood?

"Do you not like me or something? Did I actually do anything wrong? Or are you just a dick to everyone you meet?" I blurt out before realizing. Almost wishing I could shove the words right back into my mouth in that moment.

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