Chapter 8. Guns blazing

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I was woken up to rough nudging. I open my eyes, realizing somehow I shifted in my sleep as I woke up with my head resting on Ghost's shoulder. I quickly lift my head up, my face flushed. I look at Ghost, my face obviously embarrassed.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep like that, I-...I don't know how that happened." I explain sheepishly, he just side eyes me for a moment before picking up one of the bags and getting off the plane, leaving me to carry my own bag.

I stand up, stretching my body out as Gaz grabs my attention.

"Sleep well? I'm surprised the lieutenant let you sleep on him for so long." Gaz jokes. Soap is standing with us, but he doesn't say anything.

"I really didn't mean to do that, I rested my head against the wall. God, that's embarrassing." I reply. I think me saying that made Soap happy, but I didn't say that for his sake.

"We made a turn a while back, and you just fell onto him. No sweat, Lass, we know you wouldn't have done that on purpose." Soap finally speaks up. I smile at him, and he smiles back.

I pick up my bag as Captain Price steps out of the cockpit, he looks like he just woke up as well. I pick up my bag as I begin to walk out, Soap and Gaz on both sides of me.

Getting off of the plane, there's two Jeeps. We could all squeeze into one, but with all of our gear and belongings we wouldn't actually fit. Ghost is already in one of the driver seats. I notice his reflection in the rear view mirror as I stand behind the Jeep. In just a mere second he notices me too. I quickly look away, it  sucks how often he catches me staring at him.

"Let's ride together, Lass." Soap says, as he opens the trunk, tossing some gear and bags inside the other Jeep.

"Sounds like a plan." I reply as I walk up to him, tossing my bag in as well. I Open the passenger side door and get in, noticing Gaz getting in the other car. I expected him to ride with us.

Soap closes the trunk with a bang before making his way around the car, getting in. We both fasten our seatbelts almost at the same time. "I don't like riding with Ghost, he never lets me play any music." He mentions, as he starts the engine and playing with the radio. Unfortunately and also obviously, it's only Russian radio stations, but Soap connects his bluetooth and starts playing his music. It's alright.

"It's nice to finally be on the ground again, I didn't like being in the plane so much." I mention as we start to drive off.

Soap laughs. "Aye, so we agree on that, then."

I smile as I look out the window. It's dark and cold considering it's around 1AM now. I'm thankful Soap turned the heater on. 

"So how long until we reach our base?" I ask him.

"Price said about an hour drive, so get comfortable." He replies, his eyes glancing back and forth from the road to me.

"Fuck me." I groan, leaning my head back, hitting the headrest a couple times. We were just in that plane for hours, now I have to be trapped in a car for another.

"Sorry, can't. Duty calls" Soap says teasingly, a bit of flirtation in his voice.

I can't help but blush ever so slightly, I smile and shake my head. "Shut up, Soap."

If he keeps this up, it's going to be a long and awkward drive.


After about an hour we finally pull up to a safehouse. It's not the biggest, but not small either. I stretch my legs out as the car comes to a stop.

"Finally, we're here." I mention.

I open the car door, stepping out. As my feet hit the ground, I sink down some in the snow. It makes it hard to pick my feet up. It takes a moment, but I make my way around the car eventually and start to grab my things, among other bags to help out.

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