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The sunghoon guy indeed came back , more often than I'd personally prefer, he wasn't annoying , nor comforting , he if I had to use words , was more of a distraction, he came once sometimes twice every day, ordered a latte and a tiramisu, and kept asking me around, sometimes he even talked about himself, he's also 26, financially independent, have a house and a car , his stories only stirred up the fire of jealousy inside of me , I felt bitter as he complained about not having warm water to wash up in the morning, while I have to wake up at 2 to be able to shower , because after 2 you won't even have water . I felt bitter as he complained about being bored after 9 and having to watch TV , while I only go back home at 12 and I don't even own a TV since I can't afford it , nor any raises in the electricity bills , I felt so jealous when he told me about all the books he read and the movies he's watched during the past 2 weeks , when I didn't even have time to look at myself in the mirror

I acted nice at first, the 1st week was fine, but I started showing my annoyance, but he never left , sometimes when it's obvious that I don't even want to look him in the face , he'd stay calm, grab a book and a coffee and sit on a table , checking on me every once in a while , and as annoying that was , it was nice to have a good company around me , only when he shuts his mouth

-"you know jay" Sunghoon said while sipping his latte " you'd make a great actor"

-"what made you think that" I laughed while wiping the table

-"you hate me but you act like you don't" he kept smiling , peeking at me while sipping his coffee

-"I don't hate you , I'm just busy" I scoffed his words

-"Dude don't lie , u don't even like me" he laughed

-"I'm not lying, I like you" I defended myself as i moved to another table to clean it "not enough to spend all my time with you but I don't hate you"

-"But you don't really act like it , you're always ignoring me " he put down his drink and walked towards me

-"well it's because I am working"

-"Quit your job , come work with me " he said

-"I don't even know what you do for a living sunghoon, don't be silly " I laughed it off , turning to see him facing me , staring in my face intensely

-"I can make you an actor " he said

-"I am not interested in that but thank you" I rejected

-"But I want you to ! " he stepped forward "Please? If you don't hate me?"

-"Sunghoon , fuck off , we're more like strangers than friends, I won't leave my job for you" I glared at him

Sunghoon didn't seem to like the word strangers , his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched , but he didn't stop "I write scripts , I can ask for you to be my actor , or else the film won't be released " he explained tailing me

-"I said I'm not interested in acting and I barely have time for anything except this job , I DON'T WANT TO"

"But as i said" Sunghoon pushed me back and  pinned me to the counter "I want you to " he brushed his hand on my cheek , our faces few inches apart "Why do you have to make me sad?" His hand sliding on my jaw "Just do it, for me ?" He smiled sweetly while his thumb found it's way to my lips, slightly pushing in to part them "even If I'm just a stranger ?" He lowered his voice barely heard whispers 

A customer walked in , and I never was grateful for anyone as much as this guy

-"MOVE" I whispered angrily to him while glaring , he just slid aside and let me pass "Hello sir how can I help you ?" I walked behind the counter and waited for the guy , a regular who passes by most days

-"I think I'm interrupting " he laughed walking inside

-"Don't say that , what possibly can-"

-"You know? You are !" Sunghoon interrupted me "we were in the middle of an important thing , so do you mind hurrying up ? Or cancelling at all ?"

-"Sung- ! Don't mind him sir please make your order "

The guy awkwardly smiled and took his order in a very uncomfortable room

-"thank you sir have a nice day " I smiled at the guy who was leaving , more like escaping the weird atmosphere

-"Even your fake smile is good , it doesn't look that fake , I can see you did work on your acting skills " sunghoon approached the counter again "I don't see why you don't give it one last shot"

-"Leave" I starred at him , it will be no good to fight him here "Have a nice day sir"

-"Oh don't be mad I'm leaving , and I won't show up for a week " he winked and left , throwing his card on a table "look me up , and compliment me when we meet again"

I looked at his back , even his walk was arrogant , I felt dirty , and In need for a shower after that encounter

He indeed disappeared for a week , I finally had some mind peace , I could focus on my job , and was too tired to think or look sunghoon up , even if I wanted

I somehow got close with my next door neighbor, because of our similar schedules  , sunoo , a nice guy , younger than me and with an amazingly explosive energy, nothing around him was dark, and we got close together in no time , it was thanks to him I didn't have time to think about sunghoon since we walked from and back to the building together, and we somehow always had something to talk about

Sunoo isn't as broke as me , in fact he's more of an well-off person, so his residence in such a place came weird to me , he didn't say anything about it , and I felt i shouldn't ask about that

Sunghoon didn't show up for a second week , and a third .. I was releived , because even with his horrible manners , he gave me hope , and that was the thing i needed the least , I didn't want to disappoint my couple friend , who by the way seem to be very happy with my job , they started going on long trips leaving me and a part timer they hired after I complained about sunghoon, take care of the shop

Things were going well , having a part timer besides me gave me time to rest, and I could count on her in the early opening hours , Sunoo being nothing but a nice sweet angel with a lot of fun stories to tell was just a Cherry on top , and I'd spend the hour before closing with him , drinking chocolate milk and whatever pastries left

-"Nobody could believe it , and I was like I told you all this is gonna happen" sunno bragged about his correct predictions -"I'm leaving now , have a great night" the part timer waved as she walked out of the door , everything just felt nice , everything was in place .. it was all Peaceful until the door opened

-"EXCUSE ME ?!" Sunoo exclaimed , turning to look who's in "I'm sorry but we're not open"
Sunoo's change of tone sold him, must've been a handsome man

-"Sunoo, no flirting" I laughed as i turned to face the door , drying my hands .. the smile dropped off my face

It was sunghoon , in an all black outfit , hair styled and a bag in his arm , smiling so happily, his fangs showing , and eyes fixed on me

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