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The final chapter

Sunghoon hated when Jay smoked, he'd always take away his cigarettes and crash them, or just call them dirty and nasty, sulking whenever Jay laughed at him and lighted a new one

-"Stop smoking, it's nasty"

-"It's relieving"

-"If you smoke you'll die young, stop so we can live together for the longest "

-"Oh you know if I die young cigarettes won't be the culprit for that "Jay smiles, a very meaningful smile, but Sunghoon brushed it off


Jay sat down and read the script, he hated how different he was from Jaan in the script, Jaan was supposed to represent him, how was he stronger than him, more determined, and more successful, Jaan found love so easily, didn't struggle with a creep, he even sourced from his first attempt and only received love from everyone. Jaan wasn't anything like him, and he despited being associated with him

He looked down at Sunghoon, who was resting his head on his abs while hugging his waist. Jay felt his heart clenching, he knew he didn't hate Sunghoon specifically, ever since he gave in to him, sunghoon was nothing but the sweetest boyfriend, even tho he struggled with the growing feelings inside of him, but at least he didn't hate him.  Who he hated was himself. He hated himself for giving in to Sunghoon, for staying silent to his touches that he once despised, he hated himself for what he's done, for the sacrifices he made and the things he did, even if he hated them the most

He took another look at the script, eyes landing on a line that made him lose it, he started crying, doing his best to keep it low so he doesn't wake Sunghoon up. Tears streamed hot on his face, he felt so weak, so worthless and so disgusting. He felt fake, knowing this was how Sunghoon perceived him.

Sunghoon woke up, and Jay quickly tried to look normal, a big failure. He felt the younger shift his position, now looking at Jay, hands creasing ever so gently on his face. His touches burned

-"What is it ?" Sunghoon asked, voice sleepy but full of concern, eyes filled with love

Jay felt like throwing up, he didn't deserve this

-"I was just reading the script, it made me emotional " he creased the younger's hair "Sorry for waking you up"

-"Should we change it?" Sunghoon asked softly, hand bringing Jay's hand to his face, and pressing it against his lips in a very gentle kiss

-"No" Jay smiled " I like it this way"

Liar, a voice in his head screamed

-"Go back to sleep" Jay creased Sunghoon's hair, smiling at the soft obedient version of the guy who was once his darkest nightmare

-"Cuddle ?" Sunghoon asked, only one eye open and an anticipating smile

Jay laughed at the younger and laid down more comfortably, wrapping his hands around him, even if Sunghoon was slightly bigger than him, he fit perfectly in his arms

-"I love hugging you," he said, knowing Sunghoon likes sweet words when he's cuddled

-"I love you " Sunghoon placed his hands on Jay's, waiting for the older to say it back ...

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