beginning of the beginning

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*joji's pov*

I was sitting with my friends, laughing and yelling, we were so loud but ,eh?
Anyways, one of my friends in the sitting then yelled.

"hey joji, you still didn't tell us how you really met meria?"

"Umm well this story takes place 2 months ago, when I had to care cuz of the accident. for short I was-"

"I didn't ask for the shorter vision I want to hear the whole story"

Suddenly the music stopped, all the people were looking at me waiting to tell them the story of how I met this beautiful lady that I was dating yet she doesn't know much about me now.

"Umm, you guys really want to hear it?"

A loud "YES" greeted my ears and people start to question the accident. They were all energized just to hear such a weird story.

"Well, as i was saying, this started 2 months ago,
Where the beginning of the beginning took place......"

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