My pink person

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Usually a pink person is someone you are willing to spend the rest of your life with, whatever it takes. A pink person is someone who will always be there for you, to love you, to adore you, to share your happily ever after with. I didn't believe that people like this were still alive, I thought they all died in the 90's. But I actually found one, my own pink person.

My thoughts were immediately cut off by the voice of a man.

"Mrs. alexis, are you willing to stay with Mr. miller in good and bad, in-"

"YES" I yelled to see the other man trying his best not to laugh, the whole wedding venue was just muffled laughter.

"I now announce you as a bride and groom"

My heart was going to fly from happiness, as everyone was as happy as we were.

"You now, may kiss the bride"

As soon as the sentence ended I got dragged


he looked at me with an annoyed face.

Now that we are slow dancing together, I whispered in his ears.

"You know what, I never thought I would end up remembering you and marrying you"
"Yeah me too, I travelled to Japan cuz I just lost hope"
"Well, and I just dragged your ass here again"
"Speaking of Japan, how did you know where I lived?"
"Shhhh, you don't need to worry"
"But meria-"

I gave him a peck on his lips to shut him up. He then looked at me for a moment, damn man these looks....AHHHH. I love him I love-

"MERIA!!?" I heard a voice that I never wanted to hear again


I went to see what is happening, hoping that maybe it's not the person I am thinking of.

" you are, come on I know he forced you on this" Brandon grabbed my hand and was trying to drag me out of the venue.

"No stop" I pulled my hand strongly to make him let go.

"What is wrong with you?" He said
"You are asking her? Ask yourself" joji came to the rescue.
"You are the reason why she is forced on this wedding"
"Well no I love George and I married him with my own will, and he saved me from your toxic life"
"But meria I love you and you know that, he will never treat you the same way I did. Think again, and I promise this time that I will be better. Just come with me"

I sighed

"You are right...I am sorry George"
"Wait what?" He had a confused look that had a panicked feeling in it.

"I need to go back with him"

I then went to approach Brandon

"I am sorry Bran. Just let me give you a real kiss this time"

he closed his eyes again with a smile
I slapped him again and his lips started bleeding.HA! Got him!

"This is for causing a scene on my wedding day"

Another slap with the back of my hand and his face is red. Crowd cheering for me.

"And this is for acting all lovely dovely around me when you are cheating and selling drugs"

Then a kick in between his legs to spice up the show.

"Now this is cause I just hate you"

Watching his body fall to the ground, a spit to end the show.

"People like you, make me wanna throw up"

That's when I heard beautiful sirens greeting my ears.


damn joji catching up to the vibe

"Bye bye Brandon, nobody loves you" said joji waving him goodbye. And then we went on with our wedding as if nothing was happening.

After we finished the wedding party, the whole way home trip was filled with him, holding my hands, telling me I looked beautiful and mostly kissing my hand.

He can't get enough of me can he?

When we arrived home, I changed into a comfy oversized t-shirt and shorts.
And I went to bed early, and joji followed my lead.
I am finally living the happily ever after I wanted to live with the person I love forever.


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