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"I know I know... listen...how about we go out for coffee after your session...yours is the last one for me today...so...what do you think?"
I stayed silent for a minute.
"It's not a date...it's just...we get to know each other more?"
"I... okay..."
I thought it would be good if I started to see someone else...I felt like I was cheating on meria...but...what if I don't have her heart already...

The session went on perfectly and so was the...first date...a date became 2...2 became 4...we were looking for every opportunity available to just see each other...it took no time for us to start dating... sometimes her parents would invite me to stay the night...they treated me like if I was their son...I started to care less about the meria and Brandon thing...aurora told me that I should let go for sometime... until one day...it was raining heavily while we were in a cafe and me and aurora were planning to leave...

"I...I can't go home with this rain..."
"Oh..my apartment is nearby...so how about you stay with me until it stops raining?...what do you say love?"
She nodded agreeing to go home with me and we got out of the cafe...

"Loser stay in the rain forever"
I started to run home under the rain while laughing. I looked behind me and she was already catching up to me while laughing too.

"I think you will stay out of your own apartment tonight?"
We ran around... laughing loudly and enjoying the rain until we finally reached my apartment's door.
"After you, my lady"
I said as I bowed down and opened the door for her.
"Thank you young gentleman"
She bowed down at me and got in.
Meria ran to the door to see a lady she never saw before. But then I showed up behind her.
"Oh...meria this is aurora my girlfriend... aurora...this meria I told you about her before in our sessions"
Aurora immediately shook meria's hand with a wide smile. Meria did the same...but...she seemed unhappy...
"The possibilities of her staying the night her are pretty high..."
Meria smiled and nodded but then left to her room and closed the door.
"Maybe she fought with Brandon?"
Aurora said. She was going to go to her but I know meria pretty well.
"You don't want her to scream at you...now let me get you a pyjama from my closet"

I went to my room and got her an oversized shirt and shorts since it would make her comfy enough. When she wore them I remembered meria immediately, her happy chuckles and her running around the flat in my oversized hoodies.
I couldn't help but smile.


Said aurora

"Oh it's nothing...I am...happy"

Or should I say that I am lost...lost in my feelings...

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