0473 pt1

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Getting on the next plane that goes to tokyo without thinking twice about leaving my love for her behind. I need to focus on one thing right now, my job, the only thing that matters right now. My phone is going to get bombarded with messages and calls from her. I know it. I love her, I always will, but I need to take care of my mental health too. I turned off my phone, resting my head on my seat and let myself sail through the world of dreams till I get to my new life...

*End of joji's pov*

*Meria's pov*

Ever since I had this conversation that turned into a screaming match with joji, my head felt as if there was hammers hit it.
"Hey, babe. We will get home soon, don't worry" said Brandon while driving his car, but for some reason all I wanted to do was to hit him till he bleeds. Was joji right? Is this why he is mad? He has always tried to warn me about Brandon but I never listened, but now I feel like Brandon was faking his love to me. My thoughts were cut by how bad the headache started to get. I started to hold my head even harder.
I don't remember what happened after that I was concerned about the headache other than my surroundings. However, I remember ending up in joji's apartment and looking for him, as the thunderstorm continued. He wasn't there, and his stuff too. Maybe he is staying in a friend's house or something. Yes, maybe this is what is happening, since he is mad at me, and he couldn't kick me, he left. Not a wise decision but he will come back right? I just went to his bed, his aroma was all over the room. Just the fact that I can feel that he is coming back to me and his smell all over the room made me feel safe.
But I still couldn't stop thinking about joji's words
His voice never left my head that night, a voice that was filled with pain, blaming me for stabbing him in the back and just standing there, watching him bleed.
"But why was he so mad about me dating-..... Brandon...." My thoughts were cut off by me remembering the last thing he told me.
"You still didn't get the hint, huh? Told you, you won't understand"
I am his painkiller, this is why everything is so....messed up....I needed to get some blinks. but this is where everything takes a turn.
I was having nightmares about being abused and the abuser's voice was so familiar it was... Brandon. The break ups, my actual relationship with joji and....The carcrash..... where everything went wrong....
I woke up sweating. I checked the time, it was 8 am already. I need to go to work and talk to joji....

The first thing I did when I arrived at the company was looking for joji at his desk but...he wasn't there...nor his things. I went running to Fatma our boss. She was making coffee.
"Hey, boss"
"Oh hey, meria how are you doing"
"I am fine, how about you?"
"I am doing fine, and I am really happy to hear that you are doing great too. How is joji? Is he having fun in Tokyo?"
"You didn't know?"
"We got into a fight yesterday after the party and it got really sensitive and...he just left without even telling me where he headed"
I started to panic
"Listen I can help you. But I need to understand the whole thing first."
"I will tell you the story"

"And that's the whole story"
"So apparently you messed up with this relationship....yet you didn't know that this is how things went...and now he left and you are trying to get him back?"
"Ok, what you need right now is that you do as told....."

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