Thundering nights

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"I need to tell you something important about your job here..."

I gulped in fear...with everything that happened in my life lately, I can only assume the worst.

"George, you are putting in so much work for the company these how about you consider continuing but in a high position in Tokyo...our company there needs employees from here...and I couldn't be more proud to give you a promotion somewhere new to you"

"Actually...I lived in Osaka and moved out after I was 18's not that new to me...but...I may have to...turn your offer down...I have some responsibilities here that I can't am sorry"

"George least give it some time to choose...we have plenty of time"

I nodded to her.

"Then I shall give you more please let me also invite you to a party that the company made... celebrating our investment in Tokyo..."

I nodded again.

"I will be waiting for you and meria there"

She chuckled and winked. I chuckled and nodded then left, Then went to meria's desk to find her with Brandon.

"Hey douch bag!"

Said Brandon. I totally ignored him and continued looking for the important paperwork on her desk.

" really think I will let you kick me out of your place like this and let it slide like this?"

I continued ignoring him.

"Are you deaf now?"
"No, it's just don't talk to mentally disabled people who refuse to get the help they need"

I took the papers and left. After my shift was done I waited for meria in my car. Time went by and she didn't show up...I called her phone...

"Hey sorry joj, I am with bran. Hanging out"
"Oh is he going to take care of you now and be responsible for your health issues now?"
"Umm no actually-"
"Then please tell me where he is and let me pick you up"
"But joji-"
"'s for the best"
"What are you now, mother Gotham. What other sentences are you going to use to emotionally manipulate me? Mother knows best?"
"Meria, please."
"No really cuz it seems like you hate Brandon if you are going to stay like this then I guess we can't stay best friends"
"Then ask him if he is capable of taking care of you now?"

I heard mumbling in the background. Then meria's voice greeted my ears again.

"Can I have one sleep over at his house, please?"
" know why meria... because MoThEr KnOwS we're are you?"
"The cafe near your house"
"Then you know the way home"

I ended the call and drove my way to my house.

After I got in my house I was greeted by a pillow in my face.

"Okay so...what was that for"
"Are you jealous of Brandon...or what it because he is my boyfriend...or something...are you jealous cuz you and that girl broke up?"
"Her name is aurora"
"That doesn't matter! are pissing me off like this...and making me lose my boyfriend"
"If he loves you he will never leave you."
"well if the boot fits"

I slammed my hand on the wall.

I went to my room and left her alone...a second or 2 later she came into my room...

"I don't want a stupid fight like this one to get in between us...I don't want to be away from you because of a small argument...we are best friends joj...besties...I know that you are trying to protect me but...I am not a kid...I am not your daughter and you are not my dad either...but I really appreciate your efforts to protect me...but you kinda have to let your guard down with Brandon"
"I don't think you noticed this but...he is the only person that my brain goes all alarts mode around him..."
"Now you are just acting like him...meria...please get out of my room"

She stromed out and slammed the door behind her. I laid in my bed wondering if this will work anymore or not... I stopped over thinking about the whole thing and started to work on a song... one to not keep my emotions locked up all over again... finished some of it and got out of the room. Then I saw it...

Here she was doing some weird dances then ran to me...

(Not sure of the lyrics heh!)

"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush. You are now my big fat crush! I am single as I can be. You're single perfect for me! I am gonna give you a bunch of reasons why you should date me! Reason number one: I am super hot. Reason number two: she is super not. Reason number three: I am all you got and all you got is someone hot! Boy check my resume. You want a background check, okay! First name hot and last name b!tch. wanna give a (what) now that's a (sitch)! You think I am trash, you know I pass and I got a big fat ass and all I wanna say is...PLEASE DATE ME because I'm single...s I n g l e love me and hug me and touch me and..well-"

"NO! You should go to sleep..."

I cut her. She just stared at me.

"Is it something I did...or is it just Brandon?... jealousy?...what? you envy him?..."
"It's late meria, go to sleep"
"I don't care what time it is. I need answers"
"It's late..."
"George Miller, for god's sake-"
"To tell me the Truth?"

I went to my bed...that night was filled with thunder and rain since it was already winter...I noticed that she came into the room while I was stirring in the bed...she laid down next to me...

"It's... so loud outside...I...I am scared..."

I hugged her tightly...and tucked her in bed..

"We are fine...right...?"

"Goodnight, meria"

I went back to my sleep...

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