But she loves me, right?

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"so...we were besties...before the accident?"
She asked and I nodded
"And we were going to hang out as always but...you hit me?!"
"I am pretty sure my boyfriend will make a big fuss out of this...he doesn't like me knowing other boys"
Wait...maybe she knows I am her boyfriend but...she just forgot what I looked like right?
"You have a boyfriend?"
"Yeah, his name is Brandon... He is tall, handsome, amazing, his is the best boyfriend ever and I love him so much you don't understand...."
She kept on ranting about him for 5 minutes straight...she thinks he is the one...I am going to show her... It may take time... But I will show her... Even if that's the last thing I would do.
"Hey meria?"
"What if that boy you love...isn't actually your boyfriend.."
"Just saying that maybe he is not good for you and..."
"No no I trust him...he is amazing I love him so much"
"Yeah right"
"I am bored I am going to play some games on my phone...wanna join?"
"No thank you"
I still couldn't figure out how to tell her that we were dating, even though we didn't last for more than 2 weeks.
I still didn't bring myself to tell her how much I love her.
How much I loved her.
How much I will still love her.
I feel that I am fighting alone mentally.
The good part is that she forgot how bad Brandon was and, what he was really into...she doesn't remember the pain he caused her...yet this may happen again... that's one thing I fear.
But she loves me, right?
The rope of my thoughts was cut by her annoyed whining...
"WHY CANT I WIN THIS DUMB LEVEL" She threw her phone on the hospital bed
I just laughed at her little pouting face
God I love her.
"Hey joj...I know this is not the time but...do you have a girlfriend?"
"I used to..."
"Wait what? What do you mean by I used to?"
"Yeah...turns out she loved someone else...he turned out to be toxic but...she never noticed"
"It's okay...I am sure one day she will know everything"
"I hope so"
I really do...

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