0473 pt.2

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the following day

Now all I have to do is remember what she told me to do.

First: try to get to the airport as fast as possible

"Hi babe, you busy?"

I ask the only person who might help me with this, knowing damn well that this is the last call he will ever have from me.

"Well if you need something from me I will totally do it. What do you need?"
"A drop off by the airport and a ticket to tokyo"

You better start running. the more you wait, the more chances you lose

Putting my packed bags in the boot of his car and sitting in the back.
"Why aren't you beside me?"

Brandon said with a little pout, he looks cringy when he tries to look cute.

"Just don't feel like it today" I replied coldly
"But babe-"
"Brandon! I need to go to the airport, plus if I had called joji to do it for me, I would have been waiting in my plane seat. IN FIRST CLASS!"

I know how to piss him off. He is jealous of George, he was always jealous and will still be, so why not use this for my own good, huh?

As expected, my plan was working cuz the first thing he did was turn on the engine and drive fast. As if he was having a race with a cheetah. The road from my place to the airport is half an hour, but surprisingly I was already in front of the ticket window in 20 minutes.

I was going to my plane when I had to return to Brandon for one last time.

"I will miss you bran." I said smiling
"Me too" he said smiling back at me
"Can you do one more thing for me?"
"Yeah sure?"
"Close your eyes, I wanna give you a kiss"

he closed his eyes and was giving me a kissy face that actually made me wanna throw up.

That's when he got a powerful slap that made him fall to the ground.

"Next time when you get your who was your girlfriend back, be more loyal, Dumbass"

I said that and ran my way to the plane smiling like I had never smiled before.
Finally this whole madness is done....WAIT FOR ME, LOVE!!!

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