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*meria's pov*

I can't let the only person who fought for me leave the battlefield like this!
once I got to tokyo, I searched for him at the airport there...but...I didn't find him
Until I got this text from my boss:

"The new employee from your company is in "sanctuary hotel" , room: 143 on the 3rd floor I guess"

"The 3rd floor has some neon walls or sth like this,but why are you asking tho?"

"Go get your boy before someone else does😉😉...also there is a cab already waiting for you"

I smiled for a while. BUT I HAVE TO RUN TO GET HIM

I reached the hotel room to hear a woman's voice inside, who is she? Did he heal that fast or is he just desperate? Bro what if I got the wrong door?! Well, I have to find out.

'Knock knock'

"Sorry I don't need housekeeping"

replied the man inside

I knocked again

"I said I don't need housekeeping now, thank you"

I knocked again for one more time
That's when a lady opened up for me

She said a few words in Japanese that I didn't understand

"I am sorry but I am here for George miller?"
"Is he inside?"

She then closed the door and called his name a few times
A few minutes later and the door opened but this time it was him

"Hi I heard you wanted to talk to me-..."

After noticing it was me. He tried to close the door but I put my foot in between. He seemed to be very angry cuz I felt like one of my bones got broken and I started to cry as I fell to the ground and held my foot.


he still cares about me?!

"Meria, you alright?"
"Do I look like it?"

He sighed

He carried me and took me inside of the room, bet he was cursing under his breath. I was then dropped on one of the 2 beds in the room.

Then he yelled something in Japanese for the older lady to come with the first aid kit.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to tokyo?"
"Why did you come here?" He replied focused on checking on my foot.
"I...wanted to talk to you...about us..."

I noticed that he looked at me for a second with a little smile on this face however, this all lasted for a second.

"Wow...us...there is no "us" anymore"

He said

"...well maybe cuz it seems like you already found someone else"

he then looked at me in confusion

"Yes, cuz you found yourself a sugar mummy that is going to spoil you and-"


"HER" I said pointing at the lady

Once I finished my sentence he started laughing, crying from laughter...like literally crying, his body hit the floor and he sat there wheezing for a good 5 minutes

"You know who this lady is?"

He tried to speak while he was still wheezing.

"I think no?"

He then took a deep breath

"This is my mother"

he then went back to dying from laughter again.

"I hope you are done?"

He wiped out a few tears then stood up and walked to his mother, whispered something in her ears then she looked at me madly.

"You are the reason why my son came to me crying" she said
"Ma'am, I didn't know- i mean I knew but I didn't....I mean i was-...I..."
"Listen daughter" she held my hand "he told me everything, now would you tell me why you came all the way here? For him?"
"I remembered"

his eyes lit up after hearing these words.

"What?" He asked
"Yes, right after you left the party"
"So you came here to get him back?" She asked
"And does he still love you?" She asked again
"...I...think...he..." I looked at him, he just looked the other way. What does that even mean?

"J- George?"
"Meria,I...still love you..."

my eyes were tearing up with happiness

"Why do you love her? son she hurt you?"

Joji then looked at me.

"Meria...your name means the bringer of light and you did really bring light to my life...you will never understand how you showed me everything I deserved that I never got...I love you..I love you I love you I love you. Meria,...my day has no sun in it when you are not around...and my night is as dark as the darkest shade of black when you are not with me...you are everything I have wished for the past 31 years of my living...please stay with me"

he was tearing up while saying this.

I tried to get up from the bed but I couldn't step on my foot which resulted in me falling back into the bed. He then ran to me, holding my foot again and rechecking on it, I lifted his chin up to face me.

We stared at each other for god know how much, but we were disturbed by his mother who said something in Japanese which made him chuckle and his face was as red as a tomato

"What did she say?" I whispered
"She said when is the wedding" he whispered back
"Very soon, I guess" I then was greeted with a hug
"I missed you, meria. You are finally back"
"I was always there"
"You were there as the cold meria I used to work with in the company, now you are meria my girlfriend and soon to be wife"

Damn he had some huge dreams going on there
But the best part is that I have my love back, in my embrace. That's all that matters.

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