her Aurora

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I spent time taking care of meria and re-creating the memories, more as a way to make her remember everything. Yet nothing is happening. I was going to hit her with the vase one night from how I was desperate for her to remember everything, but as I was lifting it up she noticed it. She still makes jokes about it till now. I got fed up, she has to go to work starting the next day yet she can't even remember the actual last file she was working on.
But what bothers me the most is...she thinks she is still dating that bastard called Brandon. I don't know what to do.
I actually think I made a mistake by not showing her left from right, should have told her about our dating stuff...but what if she didn't believe me?
I am starting to hate my life. I was really frustrated and she seemed to notice as I was standing on the balcony thinking and smoking the cigarette I had in my hand.

"What's upsetting you"

She placed her thumb one my cheek, caressing it as the rest of her fingers are behind my ear. A turned to her as I thought she was back to her true spirit. I held her hand as I turned my head to it and kissed it, but she pulled her hand away from me after that kiss and cleared here throat. I understood and went back to looking at the big buildings of new York and smoking.

"So you are not going to tell me what is wrong?"

She said placing her hand on shoulder.

"You won't understand...and you might not believe me...you might even hate me."

She looked confused yet concerned about me.

"Can't you at least go to a therapist?... keeping these feeling in isn't good for you."

I didn't reply to her, but it didn't take too long for her to hug me tightly.

"Joji please?"

I was hesitant at first but hugged her even tighter than her...I really missed her...

"I will think about it."

"So this is why you are here Mr. miller?"

Said Arora, my therapist. She is in her late 20's, brown hair with blonde highlights medium length hair and a petit figure.

"Yeah...I just needed to talk to someone...the only someone I know is...her..."

She looked like she felt sad for me.

"Okay...so this is enough information for your first session, see you next session"

I got up from the lounge chair in her office, gave her a handshake and left.

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